In Nomine Character Encylopedia
Current as of: 10/12/00 4:26:04 PM
Page reference key: IN/In Nomine, GMP/Game Master's Pack, APG/Angelic Player's Guide, IPG/Infernal Player's Guide, LR/Liber Reliquarum, LC/Liber Canticorum, NM/Night Music, TM/The Marches, HH/Heaven and Hell, FM/Fall of the Malakim, FT/The Final Trumpet
17 Electronica Turbine 42, Ethereal spirit, Page: LS 82
Aaminah (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Aaron, Seneschal of Church of St. Tobias, Angel of Martyrs, Elohite Scholar of Destiny, Page: S03 124, Notes: Attuned Seneschal with separate Word
Abda, Mercurian Outcast of Faith, Page: LR 106
Abdeel, Kyriotate Servitor of Animals, Page: APG 57
Abdiel, Seraph Servitor of Judgment, Page: APG 22
Abdullah, Mohammed Faris, Human Soldier of Stone, Page: LT 74, Notes: Works at Brother Abdullah's Kung Fu Studio
Abednego, Seraph Servitor of the Sword, Page: LT 27-28
Abiasaph (aka Al Boskins), Calabite Knight of Dark Humor, Page: LS 56
Abraham (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Abrusti, Cherub Servitor of Lightning, Page: YAH 77, Notes: Guardian of the Clockwork Counter of the Names of God
Absinthia James, Demon of Writer's Block, Djinn Captain of the Media, Page: FM 45-6, S02 118
Accidie, Ofanite Servitor of Dreams, formerly Fear, Page: YAH 87-88, Notes: Guardian of the Remembrances of Holy Fear
Aceldama, Calabite Servitor of Fire, Page: YAH 117-118, Notes: Enforcer for Lachish
Aceris (aka Stephan Viers), Seraph Servitor of the Sword, Page: YAH 50-51, Notes: Church Publicist
Adam, Balseraph Knight of Gluttony, Page: IN 195-196
Adam, Human, Page: CPG 6, Notes: First man, husband to Lilith and Eve
Adelhel, Page: LS 116
Admatha (aka Dr. Agatha Harker), Calabite Servitor of Death, Page: YAH 27-29, Notes: Scientist at Garden Dinosaurs Manufacturers
Adna, Balseraph Servitor of Lust, Page: YAH 107, Notes: Employee of Red Silks
Adolphus, Calabite, Page: LR 120
Ador, Calabite Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 133
Adoriam, Kyriotate Vassal of Judgment, Page: LS 12
Adrian, Malakite, Page: IPG 86
Aefrik, Ethereal spirit, Page: LR 109
Aenon (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Aharonian, Nicola (aka Calliope), Human Soldier of the Wind, in service to Hypatia, Page: LR 116
Ahazia, Seneschal of the People's Garden, Cherub Master of Protection, Page: HH 115
Ahaziah, Angel of Active Volcanoes, Kyriotate Servitor of Fire, Page: LT 78, Notes: Also Seneschal of Vatnajoekull Volcano
Ahdid (aka Roberta Brosseau), Mercurian Servitor of War, Page: LS 31
Ahian (aka Carlos Ramirez), Habbalite Captain of Lust, Page: LS 43
Ahibezek (aka George Smith), Mercurian Servitor of Lightning, Page: LS 22
Ahora (Sample name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Aira, Seraph Servitor of Judgment, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 36
Aisha (Sample Earthly name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Aisha (aka Dr. Alison Moss), Habbalite Servitor of the Game, Page: YAH 31-32, Notes: Dentist at Moss Dentistry
Ajaxias (aka AJ Wheeler), Seraph Servitor of War, Page: LS 30
Al-Badawi, Fadil, Human Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 39, Notes: Muradi Sufi
al-Hasan ibn-al-Sabbah, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar, Notes: Leader of the Assassins
Alaemon, Demon Prince of Secrets, Impudite, Page: GMP 21-23
Alashae, Page: APG 90
Alastor (sample name), Shedite, Page: IPG 55
Alastor, Impudite Servitor of the Game, Page: IPG 60, Notes: Claims to be first lawyer
Alexander (sample Earthly name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Alexis (sample Earthly name), Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Alexius, Angel, Deceased, Page: HH 115
Alicia (aka Anna, Servitor of Theft), Balseraph Knight of Theft, Page: YAH 97, Notes: Owner of lockpick shop in Stygia
Allete, Djinn Servitor of the Game, Page: S01 142
Alonsa, Impudite Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 133-134
Aluriel (Also given as a sample name), Cherub Master of Destiny, Page: TM 27, APG 28, Notes: One of the Firemen
Alvarez, Michel, Human, Page: YAH 16, Notes: Owner of Alvarez' Laundromat
Amal, Cherub Servitor of Flowers, Page: NM 42
Amal Bin-Said, Arabian ifrit, Page: LS 83
Amana (sample name), Balseraph or Seraph, Page: IPG 23
Amana (aka Elsa Sanchez), Seraph Servitor of Lightning, Page: YAH 12-13, Notes: Waitress at Foo.Bar.Com
Amaterasu, Japanese goddess, Page: LR 98, S02 106
Ambriel, Angel of Last-Second Rescues, Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Ambsace, Impudite Servitor of the Game, Page: YAH 99, Notes: Owner and Manager of the Fair Chance
Amedee (sample name), Seraph, Page: APG 22
An, Chang (aka Euterpe), Human Soldier of Trade, in service to Hypatia, Page: LR 117
Anael, Malakite Servitor of Creation, in service to Fire, Page: Pyramid 23, p. 47
Anafiel, Cherub, Page: APG 28
Anaharath (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Anastasia (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Anastasia (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Anderson, Karl, Human, Page: IN 101
Andrealphus, Demon Prince of Lust, (Former Word: Love), Impudite, Page: IN 158-159, definitive S02 5-35
Angel (sample name), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Angela, Human, Page: S02 138, Notes: Owner of Fluffy, a deceased cat
Angela (aka Sister Marie Lanier), Kyriotate Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 97
Angela (sample name), Balseraph or Seraph, Page: IPG 23
Angus (sample Earthly name), Cherub, Page: APG 28
Anna, Page: TM 122, Notes: Pinhead
Annabella (sample name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Anteron (aka Doctor Bob Collins), Demon of Embarrassing Revelations, Djinn Captain of Dark Humor, Page: S02 81, Notes: "Doctor Bob" radio show host
Anton, Servitor of Gluttony, Page: IPG 88
Anubis, Egyptian god, Page: TM 103
Aphrodite, Greek god, Page: TM 99
Apollo, Greek god, Page: TM 100, CPG 66, LT 6
Apphiael, Mercurian Servitor of War, Page: HH 4-5, S02 35
April (sample Earthly name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Arael, Angel of Birds, Kyriotate Servitor of Animals, Page: IN 199, APG 52, 67
Arah (sample name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Arandal, Baron of Dark Humor, Page: Pyramid, Rogue Island
Araphiel, Page: LS 33
Arbo, Human Ally of Harold Dawson, Page: TM 121, Notes: Dog-faced boy
Ardan (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Ares, Greek god, Deceased, Page: TM 99
Arianne, Greek nymph, Page: YAH 70, Notes: Secretary at Seasonal Publishing
Armenta, Seneschal of the Chapel of St. Joseph of Arimathea, Mercurian Friend of the Sword, Page: NM 12, S01 87
Art, Angel of Art, Servitor of Creation, Page: Pyramid 26, p. 55
Artemis, Greek god, Page: TM 100
Arthur, King, Human, Deceased, Page: LR 83
Asahel, Shedite Knight of Factions, Page: HH 118
Asashiel, Malakite Friend of Destiny, Page: Pyramid 26, p. 33, Notes: Errated from Knowledge to Destiny
Asha, Ofanite Servitor of Animals, Page: YAH 76, Notes: Watcher at the Butterfly Hills
Ashamael, Shedite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum
Ashley, Lilim, Deceased, caught by the Game, Page: IPG 49
Ashralaam, Djinn Servitor of the Game, Page: S01 133-134, Notes: Overseer of work camp in Georgia
Ashralaam (sample name), Djinn, Page: IPG 31
Ashur-Nars-Pal II, Human, Deceased, Page: S01 14, Notes: King of Assyrians in 9th Century BC, incited to cruelty by Magog
Asisya (sample name) (aka Alicia), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Asmodeus, Demon Prince of the Game, Djinn, Page: IN 160-161, expanded HH 18-27
Athan, Demon of Teenage Crushes, Habbalite Knight of Lust, Page: S02 27
Athanasius, Malakite Servitor of the Sword, Page: YAH 71-72, Notes: Newspaper Reporter
Athena, Greek god, Page: TM 99, LT 6
Atropos, Greek fate, Page: LR 100
Austin, Moses, Saint of Dreams, Page: NM 100-101
Aven (aka Don Murphy), Djinn Servitor of the Media, Page: LS 64
Avery, Habbalite Servitor of Death, Page: NM 25, Notes: Formerly Demon of Hot Sauce, under Gluttony
Avicinis, Calabite Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 35
Azariah, Ofanite Servitor of Judgment, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part II
Azazel, Djinn Servitor of Lucifer, Page: IPG 31, Notes: Lucifer's personal secretary
Azzael (sample name), Shedite, Page: IPG 55
B. J. Cloud, Shedite Knight of Death, Page: FM 47-8
Baal, Demon Prince of the War, (Former Word: Valor), Balseraph, Page: IN 162-163, expanded FT 23-32
Baasha, Djinn Marquis of Factions, Page: FT 96
Baba Yaga, Ethereal spirit, Page: LS 84
Baby, Impudite Servitor of Theft, Page: GMP 27
Baiame, Aboriginal god, Page: TM 103
Balaam (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Balak (aka Bernard Tims), Djinn Servitor of Fire, Page: YAH 27-29, Notes: Security Chief of Garden Dinosaurs Manufacturers
Balder, Aesir god, Deceased, Page: HH 118
Balin (aka Brian Matson AND son), Cherub Servitor of Stone, Page: YAH 8-9, Notes: Lighthouse Keeper
Balishazar, Balseraph Servitor of Fire, Page: TM 47
Bang Man, Calabite Servitor of Theft, Page: FM 46-7
Banks, Sgt. Ron, Human Ally of Death, Page: NM 20
Barachel (aka Barry Goodman), Ofanite Servitor of Stone, Page: LS 8
Barbiel, Angel of Divine Wrath, Malakite Servitor of Lightning, Page: APG 46
Bariel, Servitor of the Media, Page: HH 97, Notes: Producer of Truth and Consequences
Barker, Mal, Mummy of Death, Page: NM 60-61
Bartholomel, Seraph Vassal of Judgment, Page: NM 102
Bashan, Impudite Servitor of Fate, Page: YAH 100, Notes: Seeker of the Great Clock
Bast, Egyptian god, Page: TM 103, CPG 66
Basyah, Hani, Human Soldier of Lust, Page: LS 105
Bazullarith (sample Earthly name), Shedite, Page: IPG 55
Bealoth (aka Mistress Brenna), Balseraph Servitor of Lust, Page: LS 42
Beartador, Demon of Steam, Balseraph Inspector of Technology, Page: HH 110
Beelzebub, Demon Prince of Corruption, Djinn, Page: IPG 31
Befort, Michael, Human Sorceror, Page: LR 100
Beleth, Demon Princess of Nightmares, (Former Word: Fear), Djinn, Page: IN 164-165, expanded TM 28-35, Notes: Former word: Fear
Belial, Demon Prince of Fire, Calabite, Page: IN 166-167, expanded TM 39-48
Belphebe, Balseraph Servitor of Lust, in service to the War, Page: S02 31, Notes: Head of the Government Work faction
Belshazar, Impudite Servitor of the War, Page: FT 31-2
Ben-Japheth, Demon of Student Discipline, Habbalite Servitor of the Game, Page: IPG 43
Benevolent Space Brothers, Ethereal spirits, Page: LS 86
Benhadad, Djinn Baron of Factions, Page: FT 97
Benny, Human, Page: HH 121
Bertha (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Bess (sample Earthly name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Betchlow, Seneschal of William Henry Harrison High School, Djinn Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: FT 42
Betharabah, Shedite, Page: YAH 110-111, Notes: Chef at Suffering Succotash
Bezekiah (aka "Buzz" Zechs), Elohite Servitor of Lightning, Page: YAH 12-13, Notes: Bartender at Foo.Bar.Com
Bidkar, Calabite Servitor of Death, Page: LS 66
Bilgah (aka Belinda Connor), Malakite Servitor of Destiny, Page: LS 37
Blackie, Canine automobile, Page: LR 105-6
Blackman, Jenna, Page: LS 116, Notes: Servant to Adelhel
Blanche, Angel, Page: APG 88
Blandine, Archangel of Dreams, Cherub, Page: IN 110-111, expanded TM 7-14
Blastus (aka Bubbha), Cherub Vassal of Flowers, Page: LS 34
Blondel, Seraph Vassal of the Wind, Page: LS 20
Bochim (aka Bethels, Mark), Habbalite Servitor of Technology, Page: YAH 37, Notes: Experimental Scientist
Bolide, Ofanite Servitor of Fire?, Page: IPG 89
Borubis, Balseraph Servitor of Fate, Page: S02 137
Brands, Keith, Human, Page: YAH 71-72, Notes: Curator of Simon Henderson Museum
Braxious, Demon, Page: IN 45
Braz, Shedite Servitor of the Game, Page: YAH 45-48
Brensen, Kurt, Human Soldier of the War, Page: S01 141-142
Brivilian (aka Brian Mathieson), Habbalite Captain of the War, Page: S01 142, Notes: Director of ExtraTech Vision
Broggan, Faerie troll, Page: YAH 120, Notes: Wandering Troll in the Country of the Teind
Bronwen (sample name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Brooks, Taylor, Human Soldier of Hell, in service to Nightmares, Page: NM 55, Notes: Midnight Screamer
Bryzneski, Ana, Human Soldier of Flowers, Page: LS 33, 102, Notes: Servant to Messica
Budnarzik, Ladislas, Human Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 40, Notes: Purifier
Buford, Billy Bob (aka Three-B), Djinn Servitor of the Game, Page: NM 107-108
Bug-Eye, Impudite Servitor of Theft, Page: GMP 27
Buichi, Japanese ronin, Page: LS 85
Buonarotti, Michaelangelo, Deceased, Page: LR 47
Bushman, Francis X., Page: CPG 113, Notes: Chairman of Eminent Entertainment
Cabbon (aka Benson, Cassie), Impudite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: YAH 38, Notes: Help Line Volunteer at Suicide Prevention Center
Cadfiel, Seneschal of St. Sebastian's School for Boys, Balseraph of the Game, Page: HH 24
Caesarea, Djinn Servitor of Theft, Page: YAH 97, Notes: Guard at Chthonic Chorography
Caiphas, Djinn Servitor of Lust, Page: IPG 112
Caldwell, Les, Human, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part I
Caliban, Demon of Anorexia, Balseraph Captain of Lust, Page: NM 56
Calliel, Kyriotate Servitor of Animals, Page: APG 94
Camael, Habbalite, Page: APG 40, IPG 43, Errata: Listed in IPG as "Caimael".
Candace (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Candy (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Canzonetta, Habbalite Baron of Gluttony, Page: S02 62, Notes: Head of the Fangs
Caramikos, Ofanite Servitor of Fire, Page: TM 27
Careah (aka Dr. Kate Breconsfield), Lilim Servitor of Technology, Page: YAH 24-25, Notes: Department Head of Computer Science
Carin, Malakite Servitor of War, Page: IN 37
Carlos, Malakite, Page: IN 99
Carniel, Demon of Gluttony, Impudite Servitor of Greed, Destroyed long before Haagenti came into existence, Page: IPG 60
Carpus, Shedite Servitor of Lust, Page: HH 4-5, S02 35
Carren, John, Human, Page: S02 115, Notes: Owner of Caernavon Platters
Carson, Leon, Human Pagan Soldier, Page: YAH 54-56, Notes: Leader and Priest of local Voudounistas
Cartwright, Angelo, Page: TM 122, Notes: Human skeleton
Cashgaraal (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Casiel (aka Cassia Frith), Habbalite Servitor of Fate, Page: YAH 44
Cassis, Djinn, Page: YAH 105, Notes: Keeper of files at Principality Papers
Caveatal (aka Lawson, Lewis "Loophole"), Demon of Loopholes, Impudite Baron of the Game, Page: HH 26-27
Ceccarelli, Anna, Human, Page: CPG 9, 14, Notes: Johnny's girlfriend
Ceccarelli, Mrs., Human, Page: CPG 9, Notes: Anna Ceccarelli's mother
Celeste (sample name), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Chagiel, Elohite Servitor of Creation, Page: YAH 78-79, Notes: Helps run Coffee Central
Charchemish (Sample name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Charcutis (aka Charles Beaumains), Demon of Venison Sausages, Impudite Servitor of Gluttony, Page: S02 134-135
Charles the Great (aka Charlemagne), Human, Deceased, Page: S01 81
Charlie, Calabite Captain of Death, Page: Pyramid 23, p. 48
Charon, Djinn Servitor of Fate, Page: IPG 31, Notes: Kronos' infernal ferryman
Cherise, Lilim Servitor of the Media, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 35
Chisloth-Tabor, Cherub Servitor of Purity, Page: LS 11, Notes: the Hunter's Sword, owned by Shemeridan
Chorth (sample name), Djinn, Page: IPG 31
Christopher, Archangel of Children, Cherub, Page: NM 16-18
Church, Graham, Vampire, Page: Pyramid 26, p. 31
Church, Pvt. Will, Human Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 41, Notes: Seagull Society private
Chynowski, Mitzlak, Human Sorceror, Page: LS 98
Clariel, Angel, Page: APG 88
Clotho, Greek fate, Page: LR 100
Confutator (sample Earthly name), Shedite, Page: IPG 55
Connor, Angel of Cooking, Seraph Servitor of Creation, Page: LT 77
Constance (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Constantine the Great, Human, Deceased, Page: S03 129
Contraiial, Elohite Servitor of Destiny, Page: LS 36, Notes: Not truly an angel yet--just redeemed
Corinth, Lilim Servitor of Lust, Page: YAH 49
Corinth (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Courtney (sample Earthly name), Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Courtney, Theo, Human Soldier, in service to Ethereals, Page: YAH 69-70, Notes: Manager of Seasonal Publishing
Cremnian, Demon of Orgies, Shedite Servitor of Lust, Page: IPG 55, S02 20
Cross, Devin, Human, Page: TM 9
Crumble, Snot, Page: LS 74-5
Cruthriel, Kyriotate Servitor of Animals, Page: LS 24
Cuchulain, Celtic hero, Deceased, Page: LR 86
Cupid (aka Eros), Ethereal spirit, Page: LS 87
Curtis, Angel of Etiquette, Malakite Major of the Sword, Page: S01 89, 96, Notes: Grand Master of the Sword
Cyrade, Seneschal of Purple Studios, Shedite Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 24
d'Enfer, Marlena, Impudite Servitor of the Media, Page: NM 111
D'Oro, Teresa Montego, Vampire of Theft, Page: LS 109
Dagda, Celtic god, Page: LR 99
Damballah (aka Divine Snake), Voudoun loa, Page: YAH 55
Dan, Seneschal of Dan's School of Food and VCR Repair, Human, Page: LT 77, Notes: Attuned, not Word-bound
Daniel, Angel of Final Justice, Malakite of Judgment, Page: HH 15-16, S01 51, Notes: Guards the portals of Hell with Hutriel
Daraul, Outcast Angel, Page: APG 90
Darius, Ofanite Servitor of Lightning, Page: NM 104
Darkeye, Typical, Soldier of Hell, Page: NM 54, Notes: Typical agent of the Hellforce
Darning, Moss, Soldier of Hell, in service to Factions, Page: NM 56, Notes: Simonson Group
Daston, Jeremy, Human, Page: LT 78, Notes: Poet and unemployed bicycle repairman
David, Archangel of Stone, Malakite, Page: IN 112-113, expanded FM 9-16, definitive S01 5-35
Davies, Maryann, Human, Page: GMP 9
Davies, Veronica, Human, Page: GMP 9
Dawson, Alfred, Human, Page: TM 113
Dawson, Arthur, Human Thief of Hope, in service to Theft, Page: TM 113
Dawson, Harold, Human Prophet of Hope, in service to Creation, Page: TM 113
Dawson, Mary, Human, Page: TM 113
de Bergerac, Cyrano, Human, Deceased, Page: HH 73, S01 117, Notes: Acts as a second at the Dueling Grounds
De Tormaine, Father Antony, Human Sorceror, Page: LS 99
Dean (sample Earthly name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Dearling, Amanda, Soldier of Hell, in service to Lust, Page: NM 56
Deborah, Elohite Vassal of Trade, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part II
Dederon, Mona (aka Erato), Human Soldier, in service to Hypatia, Page: LR 116-7
Delarue, Jeanne, Human, Page: YAH 65-66, Notes: Director of the Board at Progressive Banking
Delleran (aka James Dellman), Impudite Servitor of Nightmares, Page: YAH 26-27, Notes: Studio Administrator at Dellman's Studios
Demogorgon, Demon of Destruction, Calabite, Destroyed by Belial when he made a bid for Princedom, Page: IPG 37
Dench, Luther, Human, Page: YAH 63-64, Notes: Director of Parascientific Investigations
Derdeka, Mercurian Servitor of Flowers, Page: YAH 87, Notes: Planter of Seeds from the Quiet Willows
Desmoines, Irene, Page: LS 96, Notes: ER Doctor
Deuteronomy, Seneschal of Code of Hammurabi, Seraph Master of Judgment, Page: LT 76
Devlin, Jack, Human, Page: YAH 42-43, Notes: Scoutmaster
Dezorael (aka Danni Baker), Seneschal of Culley's Gap, Page: TM 30
Dielle (sample name), Seraph, Page: APG 22
Dionysus, Greek god, Page: TM 100
Director Fazio, Balseraph Servitor of the Media, Page: S02 131
Dishon (aka Diago Garcia), Balseraph Servitor of Fire, Page: LS 50
Dobson, Jack, Human, Page: YAH 19-20
Dodd, Ben, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum, Notes: Director of Fiat Justitia
Dokiel, Angel of Weights and Measures, Elohite, Page: APG 40
Dominic, Archangel of Judgment, Seraph, Page: IN 114-115, expanded HH 7-17, definitive S01 36-69
Dominique (sample name), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Domokos, Alexandra, Human, Page: YAH 45-48, Notes: Chief of Police
Donna, Seneschal of Pico Plaza, Habbalite Baron of Lust, Page: FM 75-6
Donrathiel, Seraph Servitor of Judgment, Page: YAH 20
Dorian, Mercurian Servitor of Dreams, Page: LC 67
Douglas (aka Doug James), Djinn Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 28
Dowden, Gina, Human, Page: TM 122, Notes: Four-legged wonder
Doxas, Angel of Glory, Angel Servitor of War, Page: HH 73, S01 116, 118
Dream Friend, Reliever of Dreams, Page: LR 107
Drools, Impudite Servitor of Theft, Page: GMP 27
Droster, Magnus, Human, Page: YAH 17-18, Notes: Manager at Libra Surveys
Druiel (aka Drew), Angel of Teenage Death, Seraph Servitor of Children, in service to the Sword, Page: NM 80-82
Dunston, Zeke, Human Soldier of Gluttony, Page: YAH 59, Notes: Jewelry Importer
East (sample Earthly last name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Echo (sample name), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Edana (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Eddison, Paul, Human, Page: YAH 54-55, Notes: Priest at Church of St. Catherine
Edward, Seneschal of Burned Hill, Malakite Servitor of Fire, Page: LT 78
Eileth (aka Amanda Kale), Lilim Renegade Captain of Secrets, Page: GMP 26
Elaina, Human, Page: HH 120-121
Elder Thunder, Ethereal primal spirit, Page: LS 88
Eleutheria (aka Elle Latimer), Lilim Servitor of Fate, Page: YAH 35-36, Notes: Fostering Counselor at St. John's Orphanage
Eli, Archangel of Creation, Mercurian, Page: IN 116-117, APG 60
Eliasaph, Elohite Servitor of Animals, Page: LS 25
Elizabeth (sample name), Seraph, Page: APG 22
Eloisa, Seneschal of Bargain of Hope, Menunite Servitor of Dreams, in service to Creation, Page: TM 123
Elshakeh, Seneschal of Death Valley, Elohite Friend of War, Page: FM 79
Eluzai, Elohite Servitor of Judgment, Page: LT 72
Elysia, Angel of Toys, Mercurian of Creation, Page: APG 60
Emmanuel (sample Earthly name), Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Enanlah (aka Officer Dana O'Sullivan), Kyriotate Servitor of War, Page: YAH 45-48, Notes: Rookie Cop
Engels, Col. Howard, Human Soldier of War, Page: NM 41, CPG 27, 111, Notes: Seagull Society leader
Enon (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Ephesus, Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Epith, Habbalite Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 31, Notes: Head of the Church of the Flesh
Ernie (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Erol (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Ert (aka Duane Custer), Seneschal of Little Big Horn, Habbalite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: S02 80
Erthad, Seneschal of the Sawney Beane Cave, Djinn Servitor of Gluttony, Page: S02 56
Esh-Baal (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Esjion, Angel of Technological Secrets, Servitor of Lightning, Page: HH 72
Esquin de Florian of Beziers, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar
Estinore, Seraph Master of Trade, Page: HH 71
Etecius, Seneschal of U.S. Supreme Court Building, Seraph Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 14. LT 76, S01 48
Etienne, Angel of Diplomacy, Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Eucodias (aka Dee), Bright Lilim Servitor of Creation, in service to Flowers, Page: LS 14
Eurynomos, Demon of Cannibalism, Calabite Servitor of Gluttony, Page: IPG 37, S02 51
Evani, Kyriotate Friend of the Sword, Page: CPG 111, Notes: Does most of Seagull Society recruiting
Evani, Kyriotate Friend of the Sword, Page: NM 41
Eve, Human, Page: CPG 6, S02 12, Notes: Wife to Adam
Evere, Djinn Servitor of the Game, Page: S01 142
Everson, Bruce, Human, Page: YAH 73, Notes: Owner and Head of Wilson Private Detectives, son-in-law of James Wilson
Exael, Page: Pyramid 8, p. 77
Eyebiter (aka Scott, Margaret), Zombi of Death, Page: NM 62
Ezra, Cherub Servitor of Destiny, Page: LC 82, Errata: Errataed from Fate (on LC 82) to Destiny.
Fainite, Balseraph Marquis of Lust, Page: S02 30, Notes: Supervisor of Peine Forte et Dure
Falendric, Ofanite Inquisitor and Friend of Judgment, Page: HH 17
Faragoth, Impudite Servitor of Theft, Page: IN 66, LS 68
Father Bryce, Human, Page: CPG 34
Ferenzi (Sample name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Ferrano, Monsignor Leonardo, Human Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 40, Notes: Purifier leader
Ferrano, Monsignor Leonardo, Human Soldier of God, Page: CPG 111, Notes: Leader of the Purifiers, Assistant Director of Acquisitions for the Vatican
Fersaith, Kyriotate of Judgment, Page: APG 88
Feythi, Balseraph Servitor of Factions, Page: YAH 103-104, Notes: Committee Member of the Pits
Fideliad (aka Paruah), Lilim, Page: LS 60
Finn Mac Cool, Celtic hero, Page: S02 140
Fleurity, Demon Prince of Drugs, Habbalite, Page: NM 26-28
Flo (sample Earthly name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Focalor, Balseraph Knight of the Game, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum
Foras, Demon of Mad Science, Impudite Baron of Technology, Page: LR 122
Forbes (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Foreman, Miles, Mercurian Servitor of Destiny, Page: NM 106
Forneus, Demon of Drowning, Calabite Marquis of Death, Page: IPG 37, Notes: Formerly in service to Vephar.
Fortesque, Armand, Balseraph Servitor of Nightmares, Page: YAH 26-27, Notes: Director at Dellman's Studios
Fox (sample Earthly name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Fracture (Sample Earthly name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Francine (aka Dramagno, Frances), Impudite Servitor of the Media, Page: YAH 37, Notes: Manager of Stardust Cineplex
Francis of Assisi, Human Saint of Animals, Deceased, Page: CPG 84
Frank, (Former Word: Directors), Remnant, Page: FM 101
Freke, Aesir wolf, Page: TM 96
Frexindetious, Seneschal of Hill Country's Catacombs, Djinn Baron of Death, Page: NM 93-95
Fugit, Angel of Messages, Ofanite Master of Trade, Page: FT 68
Fulrick, Demon of Pencil Shavings, Demon Duke of Dark Humor, Deceased, Page: S02 82-83, Notes: One of Kobal's failures
Furezog, Djinn Captain of Fire, Page: LR 75
Furfur, Demon Prince of Hardcore, Calabite, Page: NM 125-127
Gabriel, Archangel of Fire, Ofanite, Page: IN 118-119, expanded TM 18-27
Galen, Malakite, Vanished, Page: LR 37
Galendron, Caius, Impudite Captain of Fate, Page: HH 90
Galgaliel, Ofanite, Page: APG 34, Notes: represents the Ofanim to the Seraphim Council
Galloway, Beautiful Bob, Human, Page: LS 104, Notes: Paul Kennedy's teammate
Galoth (aka Bobby Cunningham), Demon of Waking Nightmares, Page: TM 30
Galuriel (aka Sally Gayle), Cherub of Fire, Page: TM 23
Garok, Servitor of Fate, Page: LR 24
Gavroche (aka Pierre Danton), Human, Deceased, Page: YAH 85, Notes: Blessed soul almost always present at the Movable Paradise
Gebbeleth, Demon Prince of Secrets, Balseraph, Vanished, presumed deceased, Page: GMP 6
Geheran, Impudite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: FT 41
Genetrice, Kyriotate Servitor of Creation, Page: YAH 86, Notes: Director of the Passion Play
Genius Loci, Ethereal spirit, Page: YAH 124-125
Genubath, Demon Prince of Rapine, Vanished when Valefor stole his word., Page: IPG 12
George (sample Earthly name), Malakite, Page: IN 46, APG 46
Gere, Aesir wolf, Page: TM 96
Gestrian (aka Pick, Justine), Cherub Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 16
Ghranavijnyana, Ethereal terror, Page: S01 31, Notes: Trapped by David in the ley lines
Gil (sample name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Gilchrist (sample name), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Giliean, Ofanite, Page: APG 37
Gladriel, Servitor of War, formerly Destiny, Page: APG 97
Glug, Seneschal of La Brea Tar Pits, Shedite Baron of Death, Page: FM 73-4, FT 109
Godfrey (sample name), Balserph or Seraph, Page: IPG 23
Golmorath, Impudite Knight of Nightmares, Page: LR 112
Gorias, Balseraph Captain of Fate, Page: NM 55
Grace, June, Human, Page: YAH 52-53, Notes: Member of Forge Coven, Dispatcher at local police station
Grackle, Demon of Overacting, Demon Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: S02 84
Grahams, Annis, Human, Page: YAH 27, Notes: Secretary at Dellman's Studios
Greys, The, Ethereal spirits, Page: LS 89
Guelph, Oscar, Human Sorceror, Page: S03 117, Notes: Member of the Black Order
Guillaume (aka Will Rolands), Cherub Servitor of Stone, Page: LS 9
Guther, Peter, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum, Notes: Manager of the Opera
Gwendolyn (Sample Earthly name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Haagenti, Demon Prince of Gluttony, Calabite, Page: IN 168-169, definitive S02 36-65
Hades, Greek god, Deceased, Page: TM 99
Hadrien, Malakite Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 125
Hagroth, Shedite Servitor of Lust, Page: LS 41
Haiden, Elohite Vassal of Fire, Page: Pyramid 26, p. 33
Hall, Stephen, Human, Page: YAH 25, Notes: Student
Hamet (aka Gerald "Duke" Landridge), Demon of Private Shame, Balseraph Duke of Secrets, Page: GMP 28
Hammon, Joshua, Human, Page: LS 31, Notes: Servant to Ahdid
Hamonah, Angel of South Wind, Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Hampson, Thomas, Human, Page: YAH 65-66, Notes: Head of Foreign Funding at Progressive Banking
Haniel, Elohite, Page: APG 40
Hannah, Angel Servitor of Flowers, Page: LT 28
Hans, Aesir spirit, Page: S02 43
Haradah, Shedite Servitor of Nightmares, Page: YAH 102, Notes: Curator of Museum of the Dreams of Murderers
Hardesty, Gary, Human, Page: GMP 5
Hardesty, Wyn, Human, Page: GMP 10
Harding, Gladys, Human Soldier of Trade, Page: YAH 59, Notes: Employee at major banking firm
Harissa, Calabite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: Pyramid, Rogue Island
Harpalus, Page: LS 16
Harrishee (aka Catherine Riley), Demon of Sensationalism, Balseraph Knight of the Media, Page: S02 124-125, Notes: formerly Servitor of Malphas, just out of Limbo
Harsha, Impudite Servitor of Fate, Page: LS 57
Harumaph (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Haruphite (aka Hannah Mehdi AND Jeffrey Blazen), Djinn Knight of the Game, Page: LS 45
Hasha, Malakite Servitor of Lightning, Page: APG 118
Hastur (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Hatiphas, Demon of Sorcery, Balseraph Baroness of Fate, Page: TM 69-70, CPG 72-73, 114, Notes: Oversees the Black Order
Haw (aka Lauer, Chip), Seneschal of Storytime Land, Servitor of Death, Page: NM 20
Hawk (sample Earthly name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Haya (sample name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Hazael, Impudite Servitor of Factions, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part I
Hector, Malakite Servitor of Creation, Page: YAH 49
Heimdall, Aesir god, Page: TM 96
Hejazi, Aisha, Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 42
Hela, Aesir god, Page: TM 96
Helez, Lilim Servitor of the War, Page: LS 46
Hellhound, Typical, Soldier of Hell, Page: NM 54, Notes: Typical agent of the Hellforce
Helmrich, Malakite Servitor of the Sword, Page: APG 116-7
Heman, Seneschal of Stradivarius' Workshop, Seraph Servitor of Creation, Page: LT 77
Henadad, Malakite Servitor of War, Page: YAH 4-5
Henderson, Simon, Apparition, Deceased, Page: YAH 71-72, Notes: Previous Owner of Simon Henderson Museum
Henna, Mercurian Servitor of Flowers, Page: S02 137
Hephaestus, Greek god, Page: TM 100, LR 99
Hephzibah, Demon of Taking Credit for Someone Else's Work, Shedite Servitor of Theft, Page: Pyramid, Hell Jobs
Hera, Greek god, Page: TM 99
Herald, Typical, Human Soldier of Hell, Page: NM 54, Notes: Typical agent of the Hellforce
Hermes, Greek god, Vanished without a trace, Page: TM 100, LR 79
Hermon, Shedite Servitor of Technology, Page: LS 71
Hezir, Shedite Servitor of Nightmares, Page: LS 48
Hieronymous, Dr. Thomas, Human, Page: LR 76
Hikachu, Page: YAH 96
Holly, Human, Page: IN 20
Hopscotch, Habbalite Servitor of Technology, Page: FM 48-51
Hormah, Calabite Servitor of Gluttony, Page: LS 54
Horus, Egyptian god, Deceased, Page: TM 103
Hosein, Ahmad, Page: S01 35, Notes: Poet, inspiration to the Necessary Order of Worthy Angels of Stone
Hoskins, Michelle, Human Soldier of Dreams, Page: YAH 56-57, Notes: Secretary to Jenni Saunders at Green Fields Kindergarten
Howard (sample Earthly name), Cherub, Page: APG 28
Huasco, Miguel, Human Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 40, Notes: Purifier auxiliary
Hughes de Payans, Human Soldier of War, Page: Pyramid, Rise of the Knights Templar
Hugin, Aesir raven, Page: TM 96
Hugo, Balseraph Captain of Drugs, in service to Death, Page: NM 88-89
Huitzilopochtli, Aztec god, Page: TM 101
Hushbon (aka Alejandro 'Alex' Lopez), Mercurian Servitor of Judgment, Page: LS 10
Huston, Sandra (aka Clio), Human Soldier, in service to Hypatia, Page: LR 116
Hutchinson, Timothy, Page: LS 97, Notes: Human child
Hutriel (Also given as a sample name), Angel of Final Justice, Cherub Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 15-16, APG 28, S01 51, Notes: Guards the portals of Hell with Daniel
Huzrael, Balseraph Captain of Theft, Page: GMP 27
Hwan-ung, Korean god, Page: S01 23
Hypatia of Alexandria, Saint of Destiny, Page: LR 115
I'm Going to Hell, Demon of Gambling Debts, Lilim Servitor of Greed, Page: IPG 49
Iblis, Djinn Servitor of the War, Page: IPG 31, Notes: Hell's standard-bearer
Ibri, Djinn Captain of the War, Page: YAH 96, Notes: Commandant of Bunker 666
Idbash (aka Professor Idris Jones), Impudite Servitor of Gluttony, Page: YAH 24-25, Notes: Professor of Computer Science
Idiot Box, Imp of the Media, Page: LR 109
Ilirael, Angel of Protective Boons, Elohite Servitor of Creation, in service to Protection, Page: LR 21, 124-5
Imhotep, Human, Deceased, Page: LR 45
Imtd, Cherub Vassal of Judgment, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 36
Invictus, Elohite Vassal of the Sword, Page: HH 116
Io, Angel of Dreams of Flight, Ofanite Servitor of Dreams, Page: APG 34
Iohan, Impudite, Page: YAH 113
Iouliel, Malakite, Deceased, Page: LR 46
Iptriel, Angel of Haggling, Mercurian Servitor of Marc, Page: APG 60
Irshemesh, Shedite Servitor of Factions, Page: YAH 39, Notes: Manipulator
Iru (aka Harry Jones), Habbalite Servitor of the Media, Page: LS 63
Isaacson, Professor Marcus, Human Soldier of Judgment, Page: LS 103
Ish-Mathoth, Calabite Servitor of the Game, Page: S01 142
Ishaporath (sample name), Shedite, Page: IPG 55
Ishma (aka Jacob Anson), Habbalite Knight of Factions, Page: LS 62
Ishmael, Elohite Servitor of Dreams, Page: IN 193-194
Isis, Egyptian god, Page: TM 103
Isoke (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Israfel, Angel of Music, Seraph Servitor of Creation, Page: LC 8-10, Notes: May have higher than Servitor ranking
Ithran, Malakite Servitor of Revelation, Page: LS 38
Ithuriel, Malakite, Deceased, killed by Lucifer, Page: APG 46
Ithuriel, Seraph Servitor of Lightning, Page: YAH 75
Iuridis, Malakite Servitor of Judgment, formerly Purity, Page: YAH 81-82, Notes: Head of General Records
Ivan (sample Earthly name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Ivor, Page: TM 122, Notes: Sword-swallower
Ixos, Greek soul, Deceased, Page: TM 99
Izkriath, Demon of Blame, Habbalite Servitor of Fate, Page: IPG 43
Izmiri, Dr. Ali, Human Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 38, Notes: Muradi Sufi
Jaala (aka Emily Marks), Demon of Shopping Binges, Lilim Knight of Gluttony, Page: S02 58
Jaanai (aka Jack Sommers), Balseraph Servitor of Nightmares, Page: YAH 27-29, Notes: Claims to be owner of Garden Dinosaurs Manufacturers
Jackie, Balseraph Servitor of Nightmares, Page: TM 35
Jackson, Nikki (aka Polyhymnia), Human Soldier, in service to Hypatia, Page: LR 117, Assorted pages of LC
Jacques de Molay, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar, Notes: Grand Master of the Knights Templar
Jael, Angel of Covenants, Seraph, Page: APG 22
Jahaz, Mercurian Servitor of Fire, Page: TM 27
Jahaz, Calabite Servitor of Factions, Page: LS 61
Jahaziel (sample name), Seraph, Page: APG 22
Jahdiel (aka Ishaq al-Nasir), Cherub Servitor of Fire, Page: YAH 13-14, Notes: Owner of Goldenrod Bookshop
James, Elohite, Page: APG 43, Notes: There are apparently two angels named James
James (aka Sojack, Dr. Franklin), Seneschal of Sojack House, Mercurian of Dreams, Page: TM 9, Notes: There are apparently two angels named James
Janice, Lady, Human, Deceased, Page: LR 60
Jansen, Dr. Hedda, Page: FT 88, Notes: Seismic Geologist
Janus, Archangel of the Wind, Ofanite, Page: IN 120-121
Japhia, Impudite Captain of the War, Page: HH 117-118
Jarien, Djinn, Page: LR 77
Jason, Habbalite of Fire, Page: LS 50
Jason, Cherub Servitor of Judgment, Page: LT 72
Jean, Archangel of Lightning, Elohite, Page: IN 122-123
Jeaterai (aka Katrina Odell), Seraph Friend of Trade, Page: LS 29
Jeffries, Dr. Antoine, Human, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 34
Jehoel, Seraph, Page: APG 22
Jehoiakim, Malakite Servitor of the Sword, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part II
Jehonathann (aka The Pigeon Man), Kyriotate Servitor of Dreams, Page: LS 6
Jehozabad, Shedite Knight of Factions, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part I
Jennifer, Seraph Servitor of Creation, Page: YAH 22-23
Jennit, Susan, Human, Page: YAH 16, Notes: Owner of Second Hand Clothes
Jenny, Human Sorceror, Page: TM 51
Jeremiah, Angel, Page: IN 62, Notes: Assuming he's an angel rather than a demon due to the -iah suffix; no other evidence.
Jeremy, Bodhisattva of War, Page: HH 78
Jerusha (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Jett (sample Earthly last name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Jezoar, Elohite Servitor of Stone, Page: YAH 88-89, Notes: Monitor of the Room of Contemplation
Jezreel (aka Jessica Meyers), Balseraph Knight of the Media, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part I
Jo, Doc (aka Franklin, Jo-Beth), Mercurian Vassal of War, Page: NM 106
Joan of Arc (aka Maid d'Orleans), of War, Page: S01 80, 88
Jochebed (sample name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Johab, Angel of Salvation, Elohite, Page: APG 40
John Downing, Balseraph Knight of Nightmares, Page: FM 51-2
John of Patmos, St., Human, Page: LR 90
Johnny, Human Soldier of Hell, Deceased, Page: CPG 4, 8, 9, 12-13, Notes: Former leader of Steelhead gang
Johnson, Bernard, Human, Page: YAH 40, Notes: Manager of Vanx Pharmacy
Jolene (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Jonah (Sample Earthly name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Jonathan, Seraph Servitor of Destiny, Page: FM 68-9, FT 109
Jonathan (aka John Chan), Balseraph Servitor of the Game, Page: YAH 44
Jones, Djinn Servitor of Factions, Page: Pyramid 24, p. 30
Jones, Dana, Mummy, in service to Labana, Page: LS 67, Notes: Coroner
Jones, Louie, Human, Page: YAH 50-51, Notes: Fireman, member of Faith for Fireman, psychotic murderer
Jophiel, Cherub Servitor of Judgment, Page: APG 28, Notes: Guards the gates of Garden of Eden
Jordi, Archangel of Animals, Kyriotate, Page: IN 124-125
Jorek, Demon of Goth Wannabes, Impudite Servitor of Dark Humor?, Page: FT 42
Jormungandr, Aesir serpent, Page: FT 90
Josephine, Lilim, Page: IN 149
Joshiro, Kyriotate Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 34, Notes: Member of Stone's Research and Development Department
Joshiro, Kyriotate, Page: APG 53, Notes: A Wizard of Oz fan
Joshua, Elohite Servitor of Judgment, Page: YAH 81-82, Notes: Clerk at General Records
Joshua, Mercurian Servitor of the Sword, Page: NM 15
Jubal (sample name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Judas (Sample Earthly name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Julia (aka Julia Frenion), Elohite Servitor of Judgment, Page: YAH 17-18, Notes: Survey Organizer at Libra Surveys
Julianson, Gavin, Remnant Seraph Servitor of Destiny, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum
Jurgen, Demon of Self-Indulgence, Shedite Captain of Gluttony, Page: FM 102
Juvenal, Mercurian Soldier, Page: YAH 72, 119, 123
Kadal, Elohite Servitor of Flowers, Page: Pyramid 24, p. 28
Kadris, Mercurian Friend of Revelation, Page: GMP 26-27
Kagagad (sample name), Djinn, Page: IPG 31
Kahn, Miriam, Human Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 42
Kakabel, Demon of Astrology, Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Kallai (aka Xhosa Mar), Lilim, in service to Fire, Page: LS 59
Kameko, Page: LS 120, Notes: Servant to Faragoth
Karadael, Seraph Vassal of Judgment, Page: NM 102
Karaziel, Angel of Self-Destruction, Cherub Vassal of Flowers, Page: Pyramid, Heavenly Hell Jobs
Karesh (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Karne, Demon of Fast Food, Habbalite Baron of Gluttony, Page: HH 101-102, IPG 43, S02 51, Errata: He's listed as KaMe in the IPG, but this has been errataed to KaRNe as in H&H.
Kasbeel, Demon of Broken Promises, Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Katherine (sample Earthly name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Keebah (aka Melinda Mercier), Habbalite Servitor of Gluttony, Page: LS 52
Keefer, Rhonda, Human, Page: GMP 12
Kenah (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Kennedy, Paul (aka Preacher Man), Human Saint of the Sword, Page: LS 104
Kerubiel, Cherub, Deceased, killed in the Fall, Page: APG 28
Kevin the Terrible, Seneschal of Enfer Fleur, Balseraph Baron of the Media, Page: FM 52-3, FT 109
Khaila, Cherub Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 24
Khalid, Archangel of Faith, Elohite, Page: FT 53-56, 101-103
Khan, Seraph Servitor of Animals, Page: YAH 22-23
Kim, Marcel, Soldier God, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part II
Kingsley, Benjamin R., Human, Page: LT 76, Notes: Judge at Brown County Courthouse
Kisael, Ofanite Servitor of War, Page: S03 126
Kizke, Demon of Internet Comics, Demon Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: S02 84
Kobal, Demon Prince of Dark Humor, (Former Word: Laughter), Impudite, Page: IN 170-171, definitive S02 66-93
Konstans, Habbalite Servitor of Death, Page: YAH 111, Notes: Keeper of the Oracle
Kori, Reliever of Destiny, Page: APG 86-87
Koriel, Angel of Equal Truth, Seraph Master of Judgment, Page: FT 71, Pyramid, Heavenly Hell Jobs, S01 51, 57
Krijemy (aka "K.J."), Balseraph Captain of the Media, Page: HH 98
Kronos, Demon Prince of Fate, Balseraph/Other, Page: IN 172-173, expanded HH 36-41
Krueller, Ed, Human, Page: S02 80, Notes: Hot dog vendor
Kryphos, Gremlin Servitor of Nightmares, Page: IPG 97
Kurt, Soldier of Hell, in service to Shezaqal, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 35
Kushiel, Calabite Servitor of the Game, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum
Kyoko, Malakite Master of Flowers, Page: LS 35
Kzath, Demon of Hypnosis, Demon, Deceased, Page: S02 93
L'Mellner, Ethereal horror, Page: LS 90, Notes: Eater of Dreams
Labana (aka Laura Haverly AND Darren Liepold), Lilim Captain of Death, Page: LS 67, 108
Lachesis, Greek fate, Page: LR 100
Lachish, Balseraph Servitor of Fate, formerly Creation, Page: YAH 117-118, Notes: Commander of the Camp
Lacy (sample name), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Lady Tamia, Seneschal of House of Pleasure, of Lust, Page: LT 17
Lael (aka Lily Lane), Malakite Servitor of Creation, Page: LS 13
Lagopus, Demon of Bad Tidings, Impudite Knight of Factions, Page: Pyramid, Hell Jobs
Lailah, Angel of Conception, Elohite Servitor of Destiny, Page: APG 40, S03 131
Lane (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Lane, Mara, Human Soldier of Creation, Page: LS 13
Lang, Angel of Foresight, Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Lara, Servitor of Fire, Page: TM 21
Lauren (Sample Earthly name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Lauren, Demon of Strippers, Impudite Knight of Lust, Page: NM 86-87
Laurence, Archangel of the Sword, Malakite, Page: IN 126-127, expanded NM 7-15, definitive S01 70-102
Lazaemon (Sample name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Legba (aka Opener of the Ways), Voudoun loa, Page: YAH 56, Notes: Loa of Leon Carson
Legion, Demon Prince of Corruption, Shedite, Deceased, killed by Raphael, Page: APG 11-12
Lekor, Balseraph Servitor of the War, Page: LR 108
Lemuela (sample name), Balserph or Seraph, Page: IPG 23
Lennis, Calabite Servitor of Fate, Page: HH 41
Lennis, Tara (aka Morwen), Human, Page: YAH 52-53, Notes: High Priestess of Forge Coven, History Lecturer
Levy, Dr. Morris, Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 42
Levy, Lt., Human, Page: YAH 45, Notes: Shift Commander at police station
Libnah (aka Gunn MacRay), Seraph Servitor of Creation, in service to Animals, Page: LS 15
Lieber, Camille, Human, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 34
Lilith, Demon Princess of Freedom, Page: IN 149-150, expanded FM 17-24, CPG 92
Liri, Ofanite Servitor of Fire, Page: HH 13
Lisette (sample Earthly name), Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Litheroy, Archangel of Revelation, Seraph, Page: GMP 18-20
Llew (sample name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Llyweilun (aka Lt. Larry Hart), Faerie lesser noble, Page: YAH 45-48, Notes: Third Shift Commander at police station
Loki, Aesir god, Page: HH 118-119, TM 96, CPG 66
Lola, Lilim Servitor of Lust, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part I
Long, Powers, Balseraph Servitor of the Media, Page: NM 111
Louis, Balseraph Servitor of the War, Page: YAH 41-42
Louis, Shedite Baron of Gluttony, Page: S02 134
Lucian, Seneschal of the Hippodrome, Calabite Baron of Factions, Page: LT 24
Lucifer, Balseraph
Lucille, Lilim Servitor of Factions, Page: YAH 104, Notes: Kidnapper for the Pits
Lucky, Ethereal dream fragment, Page: LS 91
Lucrezio (aka Math Collin), Habbalite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum
Lucy, Lilim Knight of the Media, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 51, Pyramid, Lust in the Afternoon
Luris, Shedite of Fate, Page: HH 89
Luther, Martin, Human, Deceased, Page: S01 76, Notes: "Laurence's Last Lesson"
Luthier, Maire, Human, Page: YAH 65, Notes: Secretary to Jeanne Delarue
Lynoure, Demon of Shadow Shapes, Djinn Baroness of Nightmares, Page: IN 196
Lysimachus (aka Hector Evans), Mercurian Servitor of Trade, Page: LS 28
Maat, Egyptian goddess, Reported slain in Purification Crusade, Page: LR 99
Mackie, Seneschal of the House That Pain Built, Calabite Baron of Drugs, Page: NM 97-98
Madam Alush, Impudite Servitor of Lust, Page: YAH 106-107, Notes: Proprietor of Red Silks
Madian (aka Meredith Summers), Ofanite Servitor of Judgment, Page: YAH 44-45
Maggie, Ofanite Servitor of Creation, Page: LS 77, Notes: Outcast
Magog, Demon Prince of Cruelty, (Former Word: Fortitude), Page: FT 57-61, S01 14, Notes: Magog may very well be dead, after the events of the Final Trumpet
Maharai, Seneschal of the Happytimes Textile Factory, Balseraph Baron of Greed, Page: HH 116-117
Maher-shalal-hash-baz, Malakite Servitor of War, Page: FT 21
Maigonigal, Demon of Bad Art, Balseraph Knight of Dark Humor, Page: FT 41, S02 84
Mairead, Greek nymph, Page: YAH 70, Notes: Secretary at Seasonal Publishing
Makatiel, Demon Prince of Disease, Habbalite, Deceased--destroyed by Dominic's forces, with help from Asmodeus, Page: HH 8, S01 42
Mal, Seneschal of Sea Cave Cove, Calabite Captain of the War, Page: FM 77-8
Malchiel, Malakite Servitor of Destiny, Page: YAH 4-5
Malchristos (aka Alvin Hall), Balseraph Servitor of Fate, Page: LS 58
Maledictor (sample Earthly name), Shedite, Page: IPG 55
Malkin (aka Grimalkin), Ethereal cat, Page: YAH 63-64, Notes: Library Cat at Parascientific Investigations
Malleus, Seraph Master of War, Page: HH 115-116
Maloy, James, Human, Page: NM 103, FT 84, Notes: Terrorized Peace Corps volunteer
Malphas, Demon Prince of Factions, Shedite, Page: IN 174-175, expanded FT 43-52
Mammon, Demon Prince of Greed, Balseraph, Page: HH 45-48
Manakel, Angel of Aquatic Animals, Kyriotate of Animals, Page: APG 52
Manaxiel, Angel of Tinkering, Malakite Master of Lightning, Page: LR 124
Manczak, James, Human Soldier of Destiny, Page: LS 100
Manczak, Jason, Page: LS 100, Notes: Son of James Manczak
Manczak, Phyllis, Page: LS 100, Notes: Daughter of James Manczak
Manuel (sample name), Seraph, Page: APG 22
Marc, Archangel of Trade, Mercurian, Page: IN 128-129, APG 60, Pyramid, Rise of the Knights Templar
Marcus (Also given as a sample Earthly name), Impudite Servitor of Death, Page: IN 196-197, IPG 61
Marduk, Babylonian god, Slain in Purification Crusade, Page: LR 99
Mareth, Balseraph Knight of Theft, Page: Pyramid, Rogue Island
Marguerida, Lilim of Freedom, Page: YAH 93, Notes: Manager of Bracelet Bodyguards
Mariel, Demon Princess of Oblivion, (Former Word: Memory), Devoured by Haagenti, Page: LR 94, IPG 12, S02 42
Marinada (aka Miriam Dennis), Balseraph Servitor of Gluttony, Page: S02 59
Mario, Father, Human, Page: IN 45
Marion (aka Marion Yung), Lilim Servitor of Technology, Page: LS 72
Marius, Elohite Servitor of Lightning, Page: NM 104
Mark, Impudite Servitor of Theft, Page: LT 56-57
Marou (aka Delilah and Salome), Impudite Servitor of Lust, Page: IPG 60, LS 105, S02 12
Martel, Charles, Human, Deceased, Page: S01 81
Martenas, Malakite Friend of the Sword, Page: HH 70, Notes: Sergeant-at-Arms of the Seraphim Council
Martha (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Martin, Lt., Human, Page: YAH 45, Notes: Shift Commander at police station
Martinez, Jose, Soldier of God, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part II
Marusha (aka Martha Stesson), Mercurian Servitor of Destiny, Page: YAH 21-22, Notes: Owner of Uphill Market Clothes Shop
Maryck, Roger, Human, Page: GMP 9
Masheth, Demon of Mutiny, Shedite Servitor of the War, Page: IPG 55
Massah (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Mastema, Balseraph Servitor of the Game, Page: IPG 23, Notes: Asmodeus' chief prosecutor
Mather, Rosalind, Human, Page: YAH 54-55, Notes: Favorite Host of Phasark
Mathers, Dennis, Human, Page: YAH 68, Notes: Owner of Safe Shopping Supermarket
Matteo, Shedite Servitor of the Media, Page: S02 125-126
Matthew, Mummy of Death, Page: IN 37
Matthias (aka Sorel, Matt), Balseraph Servitor of Technology, Page: YAH 40, Notes: Assistant Pharmacist at Vanx Pharmacy
Maximilian, Malakite Servitor of Stone, Page: FM 60-3, S01 32
Maximillian (sample name), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
May (sample Earthly name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Mayem (aka May), Elohite Servitor of the Wind, in service to Destiny, Page: LS 19
Mazzaroth, Page: IPG 52
McConnell, Harold, Human Soldier of Hell, Page: NM 51
McCormack, Angus, Human, Page: LR 12
Meade, Father, Balseraph, Page: S01 140
Megeles (aka Sarah Megeles), Seraph Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 133
Melanie (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Melon, Andrea (aka Terpsichore), Human Soldier, in service to Hypatia, Page: LR 117
Merab, Cherub Servitor of War, Page: YAH 83, Notes: Basic Instructor at Groves Basic Training
Merlin, Human Sorceror, Page: TM 70
Meserach, Demon Prince of Sloth, Djinn, Deceased, eaten by Haagenti, Page: IN 186, HH 97, S02 40-41
Messica, Kyriotate Servitor of Flowers, Page: LS 33
Metatron, Seraph Archangel, Deceased, destroyed by Lucifer, Page: APG 22
Methom, Calabite Servitor of Factions, Page: FT 52
Methuriel, Habbalite, Page: HH 96, Notes: Former Servitor of the Wind
Miahel, Elohite Servitor of Stone, Deceased, Page: S01 133, Notes: Used to watch over War Horns motorcycle gang
Michael, Archangel of War, Seraph, Page: IN 130-131, expanded FT 13-22, definitive S01 103-131
Michaels, Dr. Philip, Human, Page: S02 133, Notes: Physician
Mictalantechtli, Aztec god, Page: TM 100
Mihr, Angel of Mercy, Elohite Friend of Judgment, Page: APG 40, S01 51, 57, 138
Mikhail (aka Father Michael), Habbalite Servitor of Nightmares, Page: LS 49
Mildred (aka Millie Summers), Elohite Servitor of War, Page: S01 127
Mira Klein, Bright Lilim Servitor of Dreams, Page: FM 63-4
Mirapon, Angel of Nannies, Mercurian Servitor of Children, Page: HH 75
Mirchenko, Georges, Human, Page: YAH 58-59, Notes: Proprietor of Mirchenko's
Mishael, Seraph Vassal of the Sword, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part II
Mithcah (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Mitrah, Seneschal of Enchanted Rock, Kyriotate Master of Stone, Page: NM 91-92
Miyaki (aka Liza Donnen), Elohite Servitor of Stone, Page: YAH 16, Notes: Works at martial arts studio, monitors Alvarez' Laundromat
Mlogon, Wari, Page: FT 82-83
Moakkibat, Mercurian Servitor of Destiny, Page: HH 65
Molimen, Habbalite Servitor of the Game, Page: YAH 107
Molivina, Demon of Plagiarism, Impudite Baroness of Theft, Page: HH 107
Moloch, Demon of Blood Sacrifices, Impudite Servitor of the War, Page: IPG 60
Molong (Sample name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Molstroth (aka James Jefferson Buchanan), Balseraph Servitor of Factions, Page: LS 80, Notes: Remnant
Montalbaz, Julio, Human, Page: YAH 38, Notes: Head of Suicide Prevention Center
Moore, Donna, Human Soldier, Page: NM 124
Mordekial, Cherub Master of Destiny, Page: TM 27, Notes: One of the Firemen
Moreau, Jessica, Human Gray Soldier, Page: NM 57
Morgan (Sample Earthly name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61, Notes: Please note there are two differening entries for Morgan.
Morgan (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49, Notes: Please note there are two differening entries for Morgan.
Morgensen, Emillio, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum, Notes: Conductor
Morrigen, Angel of Ravens, Servitor of Animals, Page: APG 94, LS 125
Morrison, Rob, Human Soldier of Lust, Page: S01 20, S02 16
Mosai, Seneschal of Judgment Glade, Kyriotate Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 17, LT 76
Mot, Demon of Misfires, Calabite Captain of the War, Page: FT 30-31
MP, Human, Page: HH 121
Mrs. Hamish, Cherub Servitor of Protection, Page: LR 37, Notes: Guardian of the House of the Holy
Muhammed, Human Prophet, Page: S01 44, Notes: Had Qu'ran dictated to him by Gabriel
Mulgrew, Dwight (aka Mulgrew, Demon Hunter™), Vampire of the Game, Page: NM 63
Munin, Aesir raven, Page: TM 96
Murad, Elohite Master of Fire, Page: NM 38, CPG 110, Notes: Patron of Muradi Sufis
Murmur, Calabite Duke of the Game, Page: IPG 37, Notes: Commands all the souls brought to Hades
Musashi, Human, Deceased, Page: HH 73, S01 117, Notes: Acts as a second at the Dueling Grounds
Muzaffar, Cherub Vassal of Faith, Page: FT 75
Myers, David, Human Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 43
Mynofrigith, Shedite Servitor of the War, Page: IN 39, Pyramid 23, p. 46
Nadzoreth, Balseraph Servitor of Death, Page: LS 78, Notes: Renegade
Nagor, Renegade Demon of Lust, Page: APG 90
Namaah, Lilim Servitor of the Game, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum
Naomi, Free Lilim, Page: FM 24
Naphtali (aka Norman Miles), Cherub Servitor of War, Page: LS 32
Narcis, Lilim Servitor of the War, Page: IPG 83
Nasonihelem, Reliever of Dreams, Page: LS 39
Natalie Legras, Lilim Servitor of Factions, Page: FM 53-4, FT 109
Nathanael, Angel of Punishment, Seraph Servitor of Fire, Page: APG 22
Navens, Alan, Human, Page: YAH 49-50, Notes: Captain of Fire Station
Neck, Mummy, Page: FM 54-5, FT 109
Nelson, James (aka Old Man Nelson AND John Niles), Human Renegade Soldier of the Sword, Page: YAH 60-61, Notes: Owner of Nelson's Junkyard
Nelson, Sophie (aka Selina Devins), Human Renegade Soldier of Lust, Page: YAH 60-61, Notes: Devoted Wife of James Nelson
Nemo, Habbalite Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 20, Notes: Blind scribe in the Bordello
Nemuel, Seneschal of Siborsky Sleep Laboratory, Elohite Servitor of Dreams, Page: LT 24, 73, Notes: Attuned, not Word-bound
Nergal, Djinn Servitor of the Game, Page: IPG 31 (non-canonical information Pyramid 8, p. 73-77)
Newcastle, Maxine, Human Servant of Stone, Page: NM 91-92
Nicole, Mercurian Servitor of Fire, Page: IN 194
Nikelodemus (aka Nik), Demon Servitor of Fate, Page: NM 109
Nikodaemus, Familiar Imp Servitor of the Game, Page: IPG 97
Ninette, Djinn Servitor of Lust, Page: YAH 29-30, Notes: Intern at Infectious Diseases Unit
Nisroc, Angel of Spies, Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Nisroc (aka Morgan Withers), Angel of Spies, Mercurian Master of War, Page: S01 126
Nkrumah, Angela, Human, Page: HH 121-122
Nogariel (aka William de Nogaret), Balseraph Captain of Factions, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar
Noisatu, Shedite Servitor of Theft, Page: YAH 97, Notes: Owner of Chthonic Chorography
Noph (aka Norton Derling), Djinn Servitor of Drugs, Page: YAH 57-58, Notes: Drug Dealer
Novalis, Archangel of Flowers, Cherub, Page: IN 132-133
Nurbis, Demon of Mummification, Habbalite Marquis of Death, Page: HH 86, IPG 43
Nybbas, Demon Prince of the Media, Impudite, Page: IN 176-177, definitive S02 94-129
Nygon, Demon of Strangulation, Djinn, Page: IPG 31
O'Donnell, Jim "Fitz", Human, Page: Pyramid 26, p. 33
Oannes, Archangel of the Waters, Deceased, killed by Belial, Page: HH 77, IPG 12, Errata: His Word was errata'ed from "the Sea" to "the Waters" between Heaven and Hell and the Infernal Player's Guide.
Och, Angel of Alchemy, Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Odin, Aesir god, Page: TM 96
Odric (aka Joshua Manning-Rice), Cherub Servitor of Dreams, Page: TM 14
Ofaniel, Ofanite, Page: APG 34, Notes: Leader of the Ofanim responsible for carrying messages between Heaven's Cathedrals
Ojoro, Shedite Servitor of the Game, Page: HH 27
Olaffson, Tom, Human Servant of Creation, Page: LS 15
Old Guy, The, Seneschal of Treaty Oak, Malakite Master of the Sword, Page: NM 99-100, APG 82
Omparkash (sample name), Seraph, Page: APG 22
Omparkash, Seneschal of Angkor Wat, Seraph Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 87
Omsia, Ofanite Servitor of Creation, in service to Wind, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 36
One Gun, Human, Deceased, Page: CPG 7-8, Notes: Former leader of Steelhead gang
Ophis, Balseraph Servitor of Baal, Page: IPG 11
Oraquiel, Habbalite Knight of Dark Humor, Page: Pyramid 24, p. 33, LR 21
Orc, Angel of Networks, Kyriotate Master of Lightning, Page: IN 194-195, APG 52
Oresto, Angel of Dreams of Love, Servitor of Dreams, Page: TM 11
Oriel (sample name), Balserph or Seraph, Page: IPG 23
Oriel, Cherub Servitor of Destiny, Page: S02 137
Oriendram (sample Earthly name), Shedite, Page: IPG 55
Orifiel, Calabite, Page: APG 34, Notes: Fell when Uriel was recalled.
Orion, Angel of Hunting, Malakite Servitor of the Sword, Page: APG 46, S01 89, Notes: Formerly of Purity
Orley, Gremlin Familiar, Page: LR 106-7
Osiris, Egyptian god, Deceased, Page: TM 103
Othniel, Mercurian Servitor of Lightning, Page: NM 43
Ouric (aka Eric Vernon), Ofanite Servitor of the Wind, Page: LS 18
Pahlavi, Mohammed, Soldier of God, Page: FT 78
Paine, Suite, Human Soldier of Hell, in service to Lust, Page: NM 54-55, Notes: Hellfire Society
Paltiel, Ofanite Vassal of the Sword, Page: LS 27
Pan, Greek god, Page: TM 100, LR 99-100
Pandora, Human, Deceased, Page: LR 99
Parker (sample Earthly name), Cherub, Page: APG 28
Pasach, Malakite Servitor of the Sword, Page: YAH 122, Notes: Guardian of the Vale
Pasdammin, Calabite Servitor of Nightmares, Page: YAH 114, Notes: Group Leader of Nightmare Servitors
Pat (sample Earthly name), Cherub, Page: APG 28
Paterson, Julian, Human, Page: YAH 66-67, Notes: Gardener
Patricia, Human, Page: IN 13
Pau, Balseraph Servitor of the Media, Page: LS 65
Paul, Malakite General of the Sword, Page: S01 92, Notes: Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Cross
Paul (sample Earthly name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Pazuzu, Demon, Possibly deceased, "defeated" by Murad and the Muradi Sufis in the late 1700s, Page: NM 38
Pedroza, Carlos, Human, Page: GMP 9
Pedroza, Lia, Human, Page: GMP 12
Pedroza, Linda, Human, Page: GMP 5
Pedroza, Ricky, Human, Page: GMP 9
Pejovic, Natalia, Human, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part I
Peliel, Angel of Righteous Vengeance, Malakite Colonel of the Sword, Page: APG 46, NM 14, S01 74, 89, 93, 139, Notes: Grand Cross Puissant of the Order of the Eternal Sword
Pendrake Carmichael, Elohite Servitor of Creation, Page: FM 66-8, FT 109
Peniel (sample name), Seraph, Page: APG 22
Peninnah (aka Penny Adthorpe), Elohite Servitor of Flowers, Page: YAH 24-25, Notes: Sophomore Student
Pequod, Francis, Seneschal of unnamed tether, Demon Servitor of the Game, Page: LT 39
Perditor, Shedite, Page: YAH 105, Notes: Photographer at Principality Papers
Peregrine, Djinn Servitor of Nightmares, Page: YAH 125
Peritus, Balseraph Servitor of Technology, Page: YAH 95, Notes: Experimental Victim at the Bulletin Boards
Persephone, Greek god, Page: TM 99
Peter (aka Simon), Human Saint of Judgment, Page: HH 65, S01 79
Peterson, Derek, Human, Page: YAH 35, Notes: Head of St. John's Orphanage
Pettigrew, Richard, Human Sorceror, Page: YAH 56-57
Phasark, Shedite Servitor of Death, Page: YAH 54-56
Phelias (aka Susan Carter), Mercurian Servitor of Fire, Page: YAH 50-51, Notes: Former Fireman and Faith for Fireman organizer
Philbahn, Page: Pyramid 9, p. 39
Philip IV, Human Soldier of Greed, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar, Notes: King of France
Philippe, Ofanite Servitor of the Sword, Page: Pyramid 23, p. 49
Phosphora, Shedite Servitor of Nightmares, Page: YAH 60-61
Phra Sao, Thai god, Page: LR 101
Pias (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Pickett, Jasper Scott, Human Soldier of Trade, Page: LS 101
Pietro, Ofanite Servitor of Judgment, Page: YAH 41-42
Pinon, Seraph Servitor of Fire, Page: YAH 89-90, Notes: Researcher of the Vanishing Rooms
Pitt (Sample Earthly name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Plop, Snot, Page: LS 74-5
Pope Benedict IX, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar
Pope Boniface VIII, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar
Pope Clement V (aka Bertrand de Got), Human, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar
Pope Gregory VII, Human, Page: Pyramid, Rise of the Knights Templar
Pope Innocent II, Human, Page: Pyramid, Rise of the Knights Templar
Pope John Paul II, Human, Page: S01 79
Pope Urban II, Human Soldier of the Sword, Page: Pyramid, Rise of the Knights Templar, S01 80
Porris, Demon of Looting, Shedite Servitor of Theft, Page: IPG 55
Portia, Cherub Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 13
Poseidon, Greek god, Page: TM 100
Prendergast, Marlena, Human, Page: YAH 42, Notes: Niece of Miles Prendergast
Prendergast, Miles, Human, Page: YAH 41-42, Notes: Owner of Archaic Antiques
Priscilla (aka Jenny Hawthorne), Ofanite Servitor of the Wind, Page: YAH 15, Notes: Owner of Kites for All the Family
Prudence (aka Jenny Hawthorne), Mercurian Servitor of the Wind, Page: YAH 15, Notes: Owner of Kites for All the Family
Pryce, Melinda, Human, Page: TM 121, Notes: Bearded Lady
Publius, Demon of Newspaper Letter Columns, Balseraph Baron of Factions, Page: FT 50-51
Puck, Faerie trickster, Page: LS 92
Pul (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Pwyll (aka Lord Nightbane), Faerie common fae, Page: YAH 123, Notes: Leader of the Shadows
Pyxwell, Imp Servitor of Technology, Page: IPG 97
Qavam, Ahmad Khan, Page: FT 79, Notes: Holiest man in the world
Quaiel, Habbalite Servitor of the War, Page: APG 112-3, S01 41
Quentin (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Quetzalcoatl, Aztec god, Page: TM 101
Quill, Human Sorceror, Page: S02 137- 138
Quistad, Balseraph Servitor of the War, Page: YAH 84
Rabmag (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Raca (aka Roxanne "Roxy" Stump), Mummy of Death, in service to Labana, Page: LS 108
Radisson (sample Earthly name), Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Radueriel, Seraph Servitor of Destiny, Page: HH 64-65, Notes: the recording Angel
Raggai, Servitor of Gluttony, Page: APG 88
Ragon, Demon of War Crimes, Shedite Servitor of the War, Page: IPG 68
Raguel, Malakite Servitor of Judgment, Page: APG 46, Notes: Dominic's chief executioner
Rahariel, Djinn Captain of Factions, Page: NM 56
Rain (sample Earthly name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Rakham, Calabite Servitor of Theft, Page: IPG 84
Ralens, Impudite, Page: LS 44
Rampal, Angel of Play, Ofanite Servitor of Children, Page: HH 75
Rand, Malakite Servitor of Stone, Page: CPG 111, Notes: Helps train new Seagull Society members
Rand, Malakite Servitor of Stone, Page: NM 41
Randolf, Human Soldier, Page: LR 27
Randolph (aka Randolf in S03), Angel of Dictionaries, Ofanite Scholar of Destiny, Page: HH 35, S03 131
Raphael, Archangel of Knowledge, Elohite, Deceased, killed destroying Legion, Page: IPG 12, 15, S03 104, 128
Raposo, Roberto, Human Sorceror of Secrets, Page: GMP 28
Raul, Impudite Servitor of Gluttony, Page: FM 56-7
Raven (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Rawmeat, Calabite Hardcore, Page: CPG 4, 12-13
Raymond (sample Earthly name), Cherub, Page: APG 28
Raziel, Angel of Mysteries, Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Reaper, The, Calabite Baron of Death, Page: HH 87
Reaux, Mercurian Servitor of Children, Page: NM 101
Reed, John 'J.R.', Seneschal of Hippie Hollow, Mercurian Servitor of Flowers, Page: NM 95-96
Renquist, Tasha, Human, Page: YAH 38, Notes: Cheerleader
Requel, Angel of Counsel, Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Rex, Demon of Cool, Balseraph Baron of the Media, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part I
Rex, Demon of Cool, Balseraph Baron of the Media, Page: S02 107-109, Notes: Son of Nybbas
Rhadamanthus, Demon, Possibly deceased, former supervisor of the Soul Yards, Page: HH 96
Ricardo (aka Goddard, Ricardo), Balseraph Servitor of Theft, Page: YAH 34, Notes: Owner and Director of Quik Drive
Richard, Seneschal of Cabinet War Rooms, Cherub Servitor of War, Page: FT 22, S01 120
Rick (sample Earthly name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Rickson, Joseph (aka Arthur), Human, Page: YAH 52-53, Notes: High Priest of Forge Coven, Jeweller
Ridwan, Cherub, Page: APG 28
Rififi, Habbalite, Page: YAH 105, Notes: Reporter at Principality Papers
Rikbiel, Angel of Ascension, Ofanite Master of Fire, Page: APG 34, LR 107, FT 116, Notes: Transports selected mortals to Heaven. He is bound into a chariot
Riknik (aka Evelyn Draper), Djinn Servitor of Theft, Page: LS 69
Rior'n Gar (aka Ranger), Malakite Master of Animals, Page: Pyramid, Rogue Island
Rivek, Balseraph Baron of Fire, Page: HH 104
River (sample Earthly name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Robin (sample Earthly name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Rod (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Roderick, Cherub Servitor of Trade, Page: YAH 78-79, Notes: Runs Coffee Central
Rodia, Simon, Human, Page: FM 42, Notes: Creator of Watts Tower
Rosabella the Silent, Human Sorceror, Page: S02 26
Rosalyn (aka Rose Lindens), Cherub Servitor of Flowers, Page: YAH 67-68, Notes: Buyer at Safe Shopping Supermarket
Rosamund (sample Earthly name), Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Rosenberg, Larry, Human, Page: TM 121, Notes: Tattooed man
Rosier, Balseraph Knight of Gluttony, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 35
Roskovich, Sergei, Calabite Servitor of Fire, Page: TM 48
Rubiya (aka Ruby Sherris), Cherub Servitor of Destiny, Page: YAH 63-64, Notes: Librarian at Parascientific Investigations
Rumiel (Also given as a sample name) (aka Remy), Angel of Consolation to the Bereaved, Mercurian Servitor of Flowers, Page: Pyramid 24, p. 28-29, APG 60, 64, Notes: This is an assumption, based on the Pyramid story and the two references in the APG. May not turn out to be correct.
Run, Nurse (aka Jones, Running Water), Ofanite Vassal of War, Page: NM 106
Runestone, Silver (aka Sylvia Knudsen), Human Servant of the Media, Page: LS 63
Rusty, Canine Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 43
Sabach, Elohite Servitor of Lightning, Page: HH 77
Sabbuah, Mercurian Servitor of Flowers, Page: YAH 81
Sabrina, Lilim Captain of Lust, Page: IN 197
Sahriel (sample name) (aka Sarah), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Saida, Habbalite Servitor of Gluttony, Page: IPG 84
Salac, Habbalite, Page: APG 89
Saladin, Human Soldier of Fire, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar
Salah, Seneschal of Brother Abdullah's Kung Fu Studio, Malakite Servitor of Stone, Page: LT 74
Salem (aka Alexandria Salem), Angel of Cities, Mercurian Master of Stone, Page: IN 28, FM 16, S01 25, 33, Notes: Master of Geomancy
Saleos, Demon of Fecundity, Impudite Servitor of Lust, Page: IPG 60, S02 20
Salik (sample Earthly name), Cherub, Page: APG 28
Sallu (aka Sarah Ulrich), Elohite Servitor of Lightning, Page: S01 135
Sally, Human, Page: TM 122, Notes: Siamese twin
Salvatore (sample name), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Samantha, Seneschal of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Seraph Servitor of Creation, in service to Lightning, Page: LT 77
Saminga, Demon Prince of Death, Shedite, Page: IN 178-179, expanded NM 19-25
Sammael, Demon of Poison, Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Samuel (aka "Sam"), Mercurian Servitor of Creation, in service to Dreams, Page: YAH 18-20, Notes: Owner of the Neon Palace
Samuel (sample name), Balserph or Seraph, Page: IPG 23
Sandalphon, Ofanite, Page: APG 34, Notes: Fastest Ofanite in Heaven
Sandernog, Impudite Baron of the Media, Page: LR 112
Sangs-rgyas, Seneschal of Changdu Go Board, Cherub Servitor of War, Page: S01 120
Santos, George, Human Soldier of Heaven, in service to Stone, Page: NM 102
Saphadin, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fall of the Knights Templar, Notes: Saladin's brother
Sarah, Page: TM 122, Notes: Siamese twin
Sarah (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Sarama, Cherub Servitor of Fire, Page: FM 64-5, FT 109
Sariel (aka Anna Serrar), Seneschal of unnamed tether, Cherub Servitor of Stone, Page: LT 27-28, Notes: Assistant Curator
Sato, Hiruko (aka Thalia), Human Soldier of Fire, in service to Hypatia, Page: LR 117
Satsuke, Seneschal of the Atomic Dome, Page: TM 42
Saunders, Jenni, Human, Page: YAH 56-57, Notes: Principal of Green Fields Kindergarten
Saxos, Malakite Servitor of Stone, Page: FM 15-6
Scamper, Impudite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: FM 57-8
Schwartz, Claire, Human Soldier of God, Page: S02 99
Schwartz, Rose, Human Soldier of Hell, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 51, Pyramid, Lust in the Afternoon
Scorn, Malakite Servitor of Judgment, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 37
Scott, Wainwright, Page: LR 109
Scribe No. 1023 (aka Taledic), Balseraph Servitor of Fate, Page: HH 90
Scurvy, Habbalite Knight of Dark Humor, Page: FM 58-9
Sealiah, Angel of Fruit, Servitor of Flowers, Page: HH 75
Sebastian (Sample Earthly name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Selts, George, Human Soldier of Lightning, Deceased, Page: YAH 43, Notes: Designer of City Airport
Semaiah (aka Miles, Sam), Habbalite Servitor of the War, Page: YAH 39, Notes: Weapons Dealer at Tombstone Arms
Semyaza, Demon of Heresy, Balseraph Servitor of Factions, Page: IPG 23
Sence, Damaris, Human, Page: YAH 48-49, Notes: Shoemaker and Owner of Fetish Footwear
Senrevah (aka Sarah Williams), Elohite Servitor of Creation, Page: LR 125
Seraphiel, Angel of the Inquisition, Seraph Master of Judgment, Page: APG 22, S01 51, 56
Sergey (sample Earthly name), Cherub, Page: APG 28
Serivan, Baron, Page: YAH 97
Sestina (aka Sydney Reagle), Elohite Vassal of Dreams, Page: LS 7
Set, Egyptian god, Page: TM 103-4
Seth (Sample Earthly name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Sethur (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Shaashgaz, Habbalite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: YAH 91-92, Notes: Proprietor of Bang Bang All Same Hardware Shop
Shakziel, Angel of Water Insects, Kyriotate of Animals, Page: APG 52
Shamhuth, Shedite Servitor of Fire, Page: YAH 14
Shamhuth (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Shamus (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Shang Ti, Chinese god, Page: LR 103
Shehariah (sample name), Djinn, Page: IPG 31
Shemeridan (aka Sebastian Papandreou), Cherub Servitor of Judgment, Page: LS 11
Sherdun, Tania, Human, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum
Shethar-Boznai, Shedite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: LS 55
Shezaqal, Impudite Servitor of Death, Page: Pyramid 24, p. 30
Shihor, Djinn Servitor of Fire, Page: LS 51
Shiloh, Elohite Servitor of Creation, Page: LC 10, Notes: Israfel's Lyre
Shiphi Harhaiah Abdeel Gazez Elam, Kyriotate Vassal of Lightning, in service to the Sword, Page: LS 23
Shiza, Lilim, Deceased, killed in fight against Legion, Page: IPG 49
Shodski, Impudite Servitor of the Media, Page: YAH 105-106, Notes: Experienced Reporter at Principality Papers
Sigionoth, Kyriotate Servitor of Technology, Page: YAH 45
Sihon, Impudite Knight of the War, Page: LS 47
Sinclair, Martin, Page: Pyramid 26, p. 30
Sison, King, Human, Page: LR 101
Sisyphus, Greek soul, Deceased, Page: TM 99
Sleipnir, Aesir horse, Page: TM 96
Smiley (Sample Earthly name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Smily, Calabite Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: Pyramid 24, p. 33
Smirnitskaya, Marya (aka Urania), Human Soldier of the Sword, in service to Hypatia, Page: LR 117
Smith, Adam, Bodhisattva of Trade, Page: HH 71
Smith, Daisy (Sample name), Lilim, Page: IPG 49
Smithers, Richard, Human, Page: YAH 8, Notes: Student Anthropologist
Smythe, Peter, Human Soldier of Trade, Page: YAH 59, Notes: Employee at major banking firm
Snoop, Snot, Page: LS 74-5
Sofiel, Angel of Vegetables, Servitor of Flowers, Page: HH 75
Sojack, Dr. Mitchell, Human, Deceased, Page: TM 9
Sojack, Rosemary, Human, Deceased, Page: TM 9
Soldekai, Malakite Chamberlain of Fire, Page: TM 20-21, LT 78, S01 108
Solomon, Human Sorceror, Page: TM 70, S01 26
Solon, Lilim Servitor of Theft, Page: NM 62
Sommers, Christine, Human, Deceased, Page: YAH 27, Notes: Previous Owner of Garden Dinosaurs Manufacturers
Sommers, Jack, Human, Page: YAH 28, Notes: Owner of Garden Dinosaurs Manufacturers
Sophia, Angel of Enlightenment, Elohite Servitor of Knowledge, Page: APG 40, Notes: May have moved on to another's service
Sophronia, Greek sphinx, Page: LS 93
Sorush, Malakite Servitor of Judgment, Page: APG 46, Notes: Executes Fallen angels
Sosostris, Seneschal of Tent of Illusions, Pachadite Knight of Nightmares, in service to Theft, Page: TM 117
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Human Saint of Judgment, Page: Pyramid, Rise of the Knights Templar
Staciel, Demon of Intrigue, Lilim Countess of the Game, Page: HH 95
Stamsen, Antony, Human Soldier of Creation, Page: YAH 31-32, Notes: Receptionist at Moss Dentistry
Stander, Demon of Embalming, Servitor of Death, Page: HH 86
Stephanisse, Greek nymph, Page: YAH 70, Notes: Secretary at Seasonal Publishing
Stephen (sample Earthly name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Sterling (sample Earthly name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Stevie, St., Page: LR 86-87
Stone (sample Earthly name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Stroud, J. Whitney, Human Soldier of Hell, in service to Fate, Page: NM 55, Notes: Constantine Society
Stuart, Impudite Servitor of Factions, Page: YAH 32-33, Notes: Manager of Parking Garage
Summer (sample Earthly name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Summer (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Surgeon, The, Ethereal nightmare fragment, Page: LS 94
Swarm, Kyriotate Servitor of Animals, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 36
Sweet, Julian, Human, Page: IN 199
Tabitha, Habbalite Knight of Greed, Page: Pyramid, A Very Nybbas Christmas, Part I
Tahapenes, Lilim, in service to Freedom, Page: FM 23-4
Tahariel, Malakite Master of the Sword, Page: TM 92, YAH 120-122, S01 92, Notes: High Commander of the Guardians of the Vale, March Warden, formerly of Purity
Talarial, Seraph Servitor of Fire, Page: LS 17
Tamar, Reliever of Fire, Page: APG 87
Tamiel, Demon of the Deeps, Djinn Servitor of Nightmares, Page: IPG 31
Tammuz (aka Angelica Grant), Lilim Captain of Secrets, Page: LS 73
Tamor, Seneschal of Caernavon Platters, Impudite Servitor of the Media, Page: S02 115, Notes: Foreman at Caernavon Platters
Tancred, Remnant Malakite of Purity, Page: HH 120
Tangle-Bearded Man, The, Remnant Elohite of Creation, Page: NM 103, IN 31
Tania (aka Wakefield, Dr. Debora), Demon of Suicide, Balseraph Baronness of Death, Page: NM 24-25
Tantalus, Greek soul, Deceased, Page: TM 99
Tara, Seneschal of Steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Menunite Servitor of Dreams, Page: LT 73
Taran (aka Dr. Timothy Curran), Impudite Servitor of Technology, Page: LS 70
Tariel, Cherub Friend of War, Page: IN 195
Tarshish, Angel of Wisdom, Malakite Master of Destiny, Page: APG 46, S03 131, 133
Tate, Darryl (aka Captain Chicken), Human, Deceased, Page: YAH 38, Notes: Captain Chicken Mascot
Tchort, Demon of Atheism, Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Temeraziel, Balseraph Servitor of the Game, Page: S01 141
Terethel, Mercurian Servitor of Stone, Page: Pyramid, Fiat Justitia, Ruit Caelum
Tesser, Jon, Human, Page: YAH 68, Notes: Gambler and Cashier at Safe Shopping Supermarket
Tevers, Daniel, Human Servitor of Animals, Page: YAH 20-21, Notes: Owner of A Pet for all Seasons
Tezcatlipoca, Aztec god, Presumed slain in Purification Crusade, Page: TM 101, LR 101, CPG 66
Thammuz (sample name), Shedite, Page: IPG 55
Tharael, Ofanite Master of War, Page: CPG 111, Notes: Helps train new Seagull Society members
Tharael, Ofanite Master of the Sword, Page: NM 41
Theodora, Page: IPG 86
Theodore (sample name), Seraph, Page: APG 22
Thomas of Psentalet, Martyred, Page: LR 37
Thor (aka Tor, Don), Aesir god, Page: HH 119-120, LR 102, FT 90
Thratch, Demon of Snappy Comebacks You Only Think Of After It's Too Late, Demon Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: S02 71, Notes: Runs Laugh Till It Hurts comedy club
Thrush, Daniel, Human Servant of Private Shame, Page: GMP 11
Thummin (sample name), Balserph or Seraph, Page: IPG 23
Thunderbird, Ethereal primal spirit, Page: LS 88
Tim (sample Earthly name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Timon, Demon of Honor, Balseraph Servitor of Fate, Page: S01 136
Timotheus (sample name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Tiny, Impudite Servitor of Theft, Page: GMP 27
Tirshatha, Cherub Friend of Destiny, Page: YAH 80, S03 121, Notes: Curator of the Corridor of Histories
Tishbite, Balseraph Baron of Technology, Page: LR 112
Tobit (sample name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Togaal, Shedite Servitor of Gluttony, Page: LS 53
Tomas, Djinn Servitor of Factions, Page: YAH 32-33, Notes: Assistant to Stuart
Tomas, Angel of Catchy Tunes, Mercurian Servitor of Creation, Page: NM 82-84
Trent, Cherub Servitor of the Sword, Page: NM 104-105
Treostigus, Shedite Baron of Factions, Page: HH 106-107
Trevison, James, Human, Page: YAH 57-58, Notes: Co-Owner of Kiwi Fruit Greenhouse, husband of Linda Trevison
Trevison, Linda, Human, Page: YAH 57-58, Notes: Co-Owner of Kiwi Fruit Greenhouse, wife of James Trevison
Triel, Djinn Baron of the Game, Page: HH 96, LC 25, Notes: Supervisor of the Soul Yards in Hades
Trobovich, Jules, Human, Page: YAH 58-59, Notes: Chef at Mirchenko's
Trombone Man, The, Mercurian Servitor of Creation, Page: LS 79, Notes: Remnant
Trophimus (aka Trevor Stone), Malakite Servitor of Lightning, Page: LS 21
Tychagar, Angel of Heavenly Communication, Ofanite, Page: APG 34, Notes: In charge of making sure all Archangels can communicate with their Angels on earth.
Tyura, Impudite Baron of Fire, Page: LR 112
Tzammash, Djinn Servitor of Technology, Page: YAH 110, Notes: Controller of Shal-Mari Metro
Ubbenil (aka Angela Sereno), Balseraph Servitor of the Game, Page: NM 43
Ulowa, Seneschal of Uluru, Elohite Servitor of Stone, Page: LT 74
Ummah (sample name), Djinn, Page: IPG 31
Undead Headless and Legless Lacquered Torsos, Zombis of Death, Page: NM 111
Upp (sample Earthly last name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Uriel, Archangel of Purity, Malakite, Taken up to higher Heavens, Page: IN 52, 126, S01 75, Notes: Mentioned NM 7
Ursula (sample Earthly name), Cherub, Page: APG 28
Uzal, Demon of Insubordination, Balseraph, Page: Pyramid, Hell Jobs, FT 78
Uzziel, Malakite Servitor of Fire, Supposedly deceased, killed by Belial, Page: APG 46
Vaius (Sample name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Valefor, Demon Prince of Theft, Calabite, Page: IN 180-181
Valentine (sample name), Mercurian, Page: APG 60
Valerian, Angel of Politeness, Elohite Master of Trade, Page: Pyramid, Heavenly Hell Jobs, S01 96
Validis (aka Will Bagues), Elohite Servitor of War, Page: YAH 67-68, Notes: Security Staff at Safe Shopping Supermarket
Valthrax (sample name), Djinn, Page: IPG 31
Vaphoron, Impudite, Page: IPG 60, Notes: One of the handful of former Servitors of Purity in Hell.
Vapula, Demon Prince of Technology, Habbalite, Page: IN 182-183
Vathek, Demon of Jealousy, Habbalite Servitor of Factions, Page: IPG 43
Velox, Ofanite Servitor of the Wind, Page: YAH 11-12, Notes: Pilot of the Flying Notre Dame
Vens, Peter, Human, Page: S02 125-126, Notes: favorite host of Matteo
Vephar, Demon Prince of the Oceans, (Former Word: Sailors), Calabite, Deceased, Page: Pyramid 8, p.74, IPG 37
Vered (aka Charles Montague), Impudite Servitor of the Game, Page: LS 44
Veris, Mercurian Vassal of Fire, Page: LS 16
Vestarre, Carlos, Human, Page: YAH 36, Notes: Assistant English Teacher at St. John's Orphanage
Vevaliah, Angel of Supply Lines, Ofanite Master of War, Page: FT 20, S01 117
Vilson, Djinn Inspector of Technology, Page: NM 112
Vingerath, Balseraph Servitor of the Game, Page: S01 142
Vinnet, Louise, Human, Page: YAH 21
Vishnu, Hindu god, Page: S01 87
Vithik, Balseraph Servitor of Death, Page: YAH 111, Notes: Profiteer, power behind the Oracle
Viviane, Djinn Servitor of the Game, Page: S01 141
Vivianne (Sample Earthly name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Vivienne, Seneschal of Daston Room, Mercurian Servitor of Fire, Page: LT 78
Vretil, Mercurian Servitor of Destiny, Page: HH 65
Warburton, Human Sorceror, Page: S02 120
Warden, Capt. John, Human Soldier of Heaven, Page: NM 41, Notes: Seagull Society captain
Weazer, Reliever of Fire, Page: Pyramid 26, p. 33
Webster, Bill, Impudite Servitor of the War, Page: S01 141
Weheriel, Servitor of Lightning, Page: LR 15
Weisman, Dr. Edmund, Human, Page: LS 37, Notes: Psychologist and Bilgah's employer
Weiss, Erich (aka Harry Houdini), Human, Deceased, Page: LR 46
Weissman, Daniel, Human Soldier of Technology, Page: LS 106
Wenceslas I, King, Human, Deceased, Page: LR 47
Wendell (Sample Earthly name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Wendigo, Native American god, Page: YAH 8
Wes (sample Earthly name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Wheeler (sample Earthly last name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Whytelok, Faerie, Page: S02 19
Wilcott, Davis, Human Soldier of Hell, Page: Pyramid, Rogue Island
Wilkins, Marietta, Human, Deceased, Page: YAH 63, Notes: Endower of Parascientific Investigations
Wilkinson, Mother, Saint of the Sword, Page: NM 14-15
William the Conqueror, Human, Deceased, Page: S01 81
Williams, Rachel Anne (aka Melpomene), Human, in service to Hypatia, Page: LR 117
Willis, Chaz, Soldier of Hell, in service to Cherise, Page: Pyramid 25, p. 35
Wilson, James, Human, Deceased, Page: YAH 73, Notes: Previous Owner of Wilson Private Detectives
Winter (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Wrenchial, Demon of Amps, Calabite Captain of Fire, Page: NM 90
Wurzzt, Habbalite Servitor of Fate, Page: S02 137
Xaausti, Kyriotate, Page: APG 56
Xaphan, Demon of Arson, Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Xavier (sample Earthly name), Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Ximenes, Habbalite, Page: YAH 93
Ximenes, Elohite Servitor of Destiny, Page: YAH 84
Xiuhtecuhtli, Aztec god, Page: LR 103
Yamin (sample name), Malakite, Page: APG 46
Yellow, Charlie, Human Soldier of Freedom, Page: LS 107
Yephiel (aka Jesse), Angel of Kung Fu, Seraph Friend of War, Page: Pyramid, Celestial Glory Kung Fu
Ymrupl (sample name), Djinn, Page: IPG 31
Yoakum, Darryl, Human, Page: M 122, Notes: Ohio Giant
Yoffa, Balseraph Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: S02 82
Yrian, Cherub Servitor of the Sword, Page: YAH 91, Notes: Chapel Guardian of the Walls of Names
Yrian (Also given as a sample name), Angel of Dreams of Artists, Cherub Guardian of Dreams, Page: TM 9, APG 28
Ysari, Djinn Servitor of Lust, Page: YAH 107, Notes: Employee of Red Silks, secret agent for Lust
Yves, Archangel of Destiny, Page: IN 134-135, expanded HH 28-35, definitive S03 104-136
Yvette (sample name), Habbalite, Page: IPG 43
Za'afiel, Seneschal of Hurricanes, Elohite Servitor of the Wind, Page: LS 4, LT 13
Zachary (sample Earthly name), Balseraph, Page: IPG 23
Zadkiel, Archangel of Protection, Cherub, Page: HH 42-44, APG 28
Zadok, Seraph Servitor of Judgment, Page: S01 56
Zahun, Angel of Scandal, Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Zalman, Elias, Human Saint of Dreams, Page: YAH 9-10, Notes: Reborn Saint, currently 15
Zamvei, Balseraph, Page: YAH 105-106, Notes: Editor at Principality Papers
Zara, Cherub Friend of Flowers, Page: NM 84-86
Zaza (sample name), Ofanite, Page: APG 34
Zebadiah (sample name), Seraph, Page: APG 22
Zebedee, Seneschal of Watts Tower, Mercurian Servitor of Creation, Deceased, destroyed in 1948., Page: FM 42, LT 78
Zebediah (aka Zeke Dunsany AND Zebedee), Ofanite Servitor of Trade, Page: YAH 62, Notes: Systems Administrator at Opps Apps
Zedekiah, Seneschal of Nuremberg Tribunal, Mercurian Servitor of Judgment, Page: LT 76, S01 49
Zeke, Human, Page: CPG 4
Zenan (aka Mary Ariksen), Elohite Servitor of the Sword, Page: LS 26
Zephon, Cherub, Page: APG 28
Zeredah (sample name), Kyriotate, Page: APG 52
Zeruah, Balseraph Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: YAH 69-70, Notes: Junior Executive at Seasonal Publishing
Zeus, Greek god, Deceased, Page: TM 99
Ziba, Cherub Vassal of War, Page: S01 136-137
Ziddim (Sample name), Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Zimimar, Demon of Blizzards, Calabite, Page: IPG 37
Zobahl, Seneschal of Andersonville Prison Camp, Djinn Servitor of the War, Page: FT 32
Zoblink (sample name), Djinn, Page: IPG 31
Zoe (Sample Earthly name), Impudite, Page: IPG 61
Zubeyla, Cherub, Page: YAH 119, 123
Zuheyr, Angel of Cleanliness, Malakite, Page: APG 46
Zurath, Calabite Servitor of Fire, Page: YAH 101, Notes: Supervisor of the Labor Grounds
Zuriel, Cherub Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 26, Notes: Legendary sculptor
, Kyriotate Friend of Protection, Page: CPG 112, Notes: Trying to earn Word of Travellers in Distress, oversees Saint Christopher Society
, Impudite Servitor of the Media, Page: S02 142, Notes: Fashion Victim and former contender for Big Hair
, Human Servant of the Game, Page: NM 108, Notes: Demonic DMV
(aka Hero and Slayer of the Worm of Saminga), Angel Hero of War, Page: S01 106
, Human Saint, Page: LT 76, Notes: Former friar of Avrillac Chapel
, Ethereal, Page: S02 12, Notes: Paramour of Andrealphus
, Human Sorceror, Page: CPG 114, Notes: One of original founders of the Sons of Lucifer
, Seraph Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 26, Notes: Conduit known as "Shamir Worm", used by Solomon
(aka Champion of the Thera Crater), Angel Champion of War, Page: S01 106
, Mercurian Servitor of War, Page: Pyramid, Rise of the Knights Templar, Notes: Influenced the Order of Hospitallers
, Habbalite, Page: YAH 26, Notes: Assistant to Djinn of Technology
, Human Sorceror of Lust, Page: S02 12, Notes: Daughter of Andrealphus and Eve
, Human Sorceror, Page: CPG 114, Notes: One of original founders of the Sons of Lucifer
, Djinn Servitor of Technology, Page: YAH 26, Notes: Works in cellar of Dellman's Studios
, Human Saint of the Sword, Page: S01 92-93, Notes: Grand Master of the Order of the Sacred Heart
, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 9, Notes: Champion of the Dog Tooth Spars
Demon of Abusive Relationships, Habbalite, Page: IPG 47
Demon of Addiction Recovery, Djinn, Page: IPG 36
Demon of Adultery, Demon Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 20
Demon of Air Disasters, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Demon of Alcoholism, Page: LS 53
Demon of Alleged Racial Slurs, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Angel of Ambushes, Angel Servitor of War, Page: S01 117
Angel of Animation, Angel, Page: APG 95
Angel of Arbitration, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 9
Angel of Archaeology, Cherub, Page: APG 32
Angel of Architecture, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 25
Angel of Armorers, Angel Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 89
Angel of Astrology, Seraph, Page: APG 27
Angel of Astronomy, Seraph, Page: APG 27
Demon of Auto Accidents, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Angel of Autobiographies, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Demon of Avalanches, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Seneschal of Avrillac Chapel, Mercurian Servitor of Judgment, Page: LT 76
Demon of Bad Checks, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Bad Sex, Impudite, Page: IPG 64
Demon of Barbie Dolls, Djinn, Page: IPG 35
Seneschal of Beaches of Normandy, Angel Servitor of War, Page: S01 120
Seneschal of Bibliotheque National, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 123
Demon of Binges, Demon Servitor of Gluttony, Page: S02 51
Angel of Birds of Prey, Angel, Page: APG 67
Demon of Birthday Wishes, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Demon of Blowtorches, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Seneschal of Bodleian Library, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 123
Demon of Bodybuilding, Djinn, Page: IPG 35
Demon of Bombs, Servitor of Fire, Page: IN 28
Demon of Bondage, Demon Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 20
Demon of Brain Cancer, Demon Servitor of Death, Page: NM 24
Demon of Broken Glass, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Demon of Buggy Whips, Page: IPG 91
Demon of Careless Oaths, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Seneschal of Catacombs of Rome, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 22
Angel of Cavalry, Angel Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 89
Demon of Chainsaws, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Angel of Charity, Malakite, Page: APG 50
Demon of Child Abuse, Shedite, Page: IPG 58
Demon of Child Abuse Charges, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Angel of Chivalry, Angel Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 89
Seneschal of Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Angel Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 87
Angel of Churches, Cherub Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 89, 91
Seneschal of Churchyard in Rouen where Joan of Arc was burned, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 123
Demon of Cigarettes, Djinn, Page: IPG 35
Demon of Cities, Page: IN 28
Demon of Codependency, Habbalite, Page: IPG 47
Demon of Conspicuous Consumption, Demon Servitor of Gluttony, Page: S02 51
Angel of Courage, Malakite Servitor of War, Page: APG 50, S01 117
Demon of Crimes of Passion, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Demon of Date Rape, Shedite, Page: IPG 58
Archangel of Death, Page: NM 81
Demon of Debt, Demon Servitor of Fate, Page: HH 41
Seneschal of Deepest tunnel in Rock of Gibraltar, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: LT 75
Demon of Depression, Habbalite, Page: IPG 47
Angel of Determination, Elohite, Page: APG 44
Demon of Diaries, Impudite, Page: IPG 64
Angel of Dieting, Page: IPG 36
Demon of Dieting, Djinn Servitor of Gluttony, Page: IPG 36, S02 51
Demon of Disease, Demon Duke of Death, Page: NM 24
Demon of Distraction, Demon Marquis of Fate, Page: HH 41
Angel of Divine Mysteries, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Angel of Divine Truths, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Demon of Divorce, Impudite, Page: IPG 64
Demon of Dreams of Betrayal, Demon, Page: TM 32
Angel of Dreams of Concerned Parents, Angel Servitor of Dreams, Page: TM 11
Angel of Dreams of Contentment, Angel Servitor of Dreams, Page: TM 11
Guardian of Dreams of Peace, Servitor of Dreams, Page: TM 11
Angel of Dreams of Soldiers, Angel Servitor of Dreams, Page: TM 11
Angel of Dreams of the Dying, Angel Servitor of Dreams, Page: TM 11
Demon of Drug Legalization, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Demon of Drug Pushing, Shedite, Page: IPG 58
Demon of Earthquakes, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Demon of Easy Riches, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Angel of Elections, Mercurian, Page: APG 64
Demon of Embezzling, Shedite, Page: IPG 58
Demon of Emptiness, Habbalite, Page: IPG 47
Angel of Epiphanies, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Demon of Eructation, Demon Baron of Gluttony, Page: S02 63
Angel of Factories, Cherub, Page: APG 32
Demon of Factory Farming, Demon Servitor of Gluttony, Page: S02 51
Demon of Fake Ids, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Angel of Falcons, Angel, Page: APG 67
Seneschal of Field near Bethlehem, Angel Servitor of Fire, Page: LT 78
Seneschal of Field of Dreams, Angel Servitor of Dreams, Page: LT 73
Demon of Fine Print, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Seneschal of Forest Fires, Calabite Servitor of Fire, Page: IPG 41, LT 13
Demon of Forged Signatures, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Forgetfulness, Djinn, Page: HH 90
Angel of Forgiveness, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Angel of Fortitude, Malakite, Page: APG 50
Angel of Freelance Writers, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Demon of Gang Fights, Shedite, Page: IPG 58
Seneschal of Garden of Bell Blossoms, Angel Servitor of Dreams, Page: LT 73
Demon of Gas Leaks, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Angel of Gemcutting, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 25
Demon of Genocide, Demon Servitor of Death, Deceased, Page: NM 23, Notes: Actually, there have been several Demons of Genocide. All dead now.
Seneschal of Golden Moments Day Care, Angel Servitor of Dreams, Page: LT 73
Angel of Good Neighbors, Mercurian, Page: APG 64
Angel of Guilt, Elohite, Page: APG 44
Demon of Gunpowder, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Seneschal of Hagia Sophia, Angel Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 87
Seneschal of Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Page: LT 36
Demon of Heart Failure, Demon Servitor of Death, Page: NM 24
Demon of High School Cliques, Impudite Servitor of Factions, Page: IPG 64
Angel of Highways, Ofanite, Page: APG 38
Angel of History, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Angel of Holy Scriptures, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Demon of Incest, Shedite, Page: IPG 58
Demon of Inconsolable Grief, Impudite, Page: IPG 64
Seneschal of Independent Citizen's Militia Headquarters, Angel Servant of Stone, Page: LT 75
Demon of Infomericals, Demon Servitor of the Media, Page: S02 118
Seneschal of Inner Temple, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: LT 76, S01 48
Angel of Inspiration, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Demon of Insurance Fraud, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Invasion of Privacy, Demon Servitor of the Media, Page: S02 118
Angel of Investigations, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 15, S01 51
Demon of Irony, Demon Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: S02 84
Angel of Journalism, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Seneschal of Judge Roy Bean's Courtroom, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: LT 76, S01 48
Angel of Just Causes, Malakite, Page: APG 50
Seneschal of Kaertnertort Theater, Angel Servitor of Creation, Page: LT 78
Seneschal of Kilauea Crater, Angel Servitor of Fire, Page: LT 78
Angel of Kings, Malakite Servitor of the Sword, Page: APG 50, S01 89
Seneschal of Kocabas Cay, Angel Servitor of War, Page: S01 120
Angel of Last Stands, Angel Servitor of War, Page: S01 117
Demon of Lawyers, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Seneschal of Leonardo da Vinci's Workshop, Angel Servitor of Creation, Page: LT 78
Demon of Libertines, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Seneschal of Library of Alexandria, Angel Servitor of Dreams, Page: LT 73
Seneschal of Library of Congress, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 123
Demon of Lies About Age, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Lies About Money, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Lies Told to Spouses, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Littering, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Seneschal of Little Bluff Truck Stop All-You-Can-Eat Pancake House, Page: LT 33
Demon of Little White Lies, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Angel of Logic, Elohite Servitor of Judgment and Lightning, Page: HH 11, S01 45
Demon of Manslaughter, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Demon of Marriage, Impudite, Page: IPG 64
Seneschal of Masada, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: LT 75
Demon of Massages, Impudite, Page: IPG 64
Angel of Mediation, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 9, S01 51
Demon of Mockery, Demon Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: S02 84
Demon of Morbid Fascination, Demon Servitor of the Media, Page: S02 118
Angel of Mountain Climbers, Cherub, Page: APG 32
Demon of Nannies, Djinn, Page: IPG 35
Demon of Navel Lint, Calabite, Page: HH 90, Notes: Actually the Djinn Demon of Forgetfulness. This is a deliberate clerical error.
Angel of Navigation, Seraph, Page: APG 27
Angel of Negotiation, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 9
Demon of New Girlfriends, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Demon of Nightmares about Animal Attacks, Demon, Page: TM 32
Demon of Nightmares about Rabid Dogs, Demon, Page: TM 32
Demon of Nightmares of Failure, Demon Duke of Nightmares, Page: TM 35
Demon of Nightmares of Poverty, Demon Duke of Nightmares, Page: TM 35
Demon of Nightmares of Romantic Rejection, Demon Duke of Nightmares, Page: TM 35
Demon of Nuclear Devastation, Calabite Baron of Fire, Page: TM 42
Demon of Nuclear Warheads, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Demon of Obsessive Love, Habbalite, Page: IPG 47
Demon of Outdoor Sex, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Seneschal of Palais de Justice, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: LT 76, S01 48
Demon of Paparazzi, Djinn, Page: IPG 35
Demon of Pedophilia, Impudite Servitor of Lust, Page: IPG 64
Seneschal of Pennsylvanian coal mine where miner's union started, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: LT 75
Demon of Perjury, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Angel of Perseverance, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 25
Demon of Personal Injury Lawsuits, Impudite, Page: IPG 64
Angel of Pets, Cherub, Page: APG 32
Demon of Pipe Bombs, Page: IPG 41
Angel of Police, Malakite Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 15, APG 50, S01 51
Demon of Politicians, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Politics, Page: IPG 91
Demon of Premeditated Murder, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Angel of Priests, Angel Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 89
Demon of Promises Never Intended to Be Kept, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Angel of Prophets, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 131
Demon of Psychotherapy, Impudite, Page: IPG 64
Angel of Racial Harmony, Page: CPG 96
Angel of Radio, Ofanite, Page: APG 38
Demon of Rape, Calabite Servitor of Lust, Page: IPG 41, S02 20
Demon of Rape Accusations, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Reckless Driving, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Angel of Repentence, Elohite, Page: APG 44
Angel of Resistance, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 25
Angel of Restitution, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 15, S01 51
Angel of Reunions, Mercurian, Page: APG 64
Angel of Righteous Anger, Malakite Servitor of the Sword, Page: APG 50, S01 89
Angel of Roller Coasters, Ofanite, Page: APG 38
Demon of Rudeness, Shedite, Page: IPG 58
Demon of Satire, Demon Servitor of Dark Humor, Page: S02 84
Angel of Secret Languages, Angel Scholar of Destiny, Page: HH 34, S03 108
Demon of Self-Abuse, Habbalite, Page: IPG 47
Demon of Self-Doubt, Habbalite, Page: IPG 47
Demon of Serial Killers, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Demon of Shameful Dreams, Demon, Page: TM 32
Angel of Ships, Cherub, Page: APG 32
Demon of Shock Radio, Demon Servitor of the Media, Page: S02 118
Seneschal of Shores of Tanganyika where Stanley and Livingstone met, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 123
Seneschal of St. Ignatius' Orphanage, Angel Servitor of Fire, Page: LT 78
Seneschal of St. Peter's Basilica, Angel Servitor of the Sword, Page: S01 87
Angel of Statistics, Seraph, Page: APG 27
Demon of Statistics, Balseraph, Page: APG 27
Angel of Strategy, Angel Servitor of War, Page: S01 117
Angel of Subways, Cherub, Page: APG 32
Demon of Sugar, Demon Servitor of Gluttony, Page: S02 51
Demon of Sulfuric Acid, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Angel of Sunday School Teachers, Malakite Servitor of the Sword, Page: APG 50, S01 89
Angel of Swift Justice, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: HH 15, S01 51
Demon of Tabloid Journalists, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Tabloids, Demon Servitor of the Media, Page: S02 118
Demon of Tax Evasion, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Angel of Teaching, Elohite, Page: APG 44
Demon of the Falling Nightmare, Demon, Page: TM 32
Seneschal of Tidal Waves, Demon Servitor of the Oceans, Page: LT 13, Notes: Unknown if still living
Seneschal of Topkapi Museum, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 123
Seneschal of Tornadoes, Ofanite Servitor of the Wind, Page: APG 38, LT 13
Seneschal of Tower on the Great Wall of China, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: LT 75
Demon of Toxic Waste, Page: CPG 96
Demon of Train Wrecks, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Angel of Travel, Ofanite, Page: APG 38
Angel of Trophies, Angel Servitor of War, Page: S01 117
Angel of Truces, Mercurian Servitor of War, Page: APG 64, S01 117
Seneschal of Unemployment Office, Edinburgh, Angel Servitor of Destiny, Page: S03 123
Demon of Unexpectedly Short Fuses, Calabite Servitor of Fire, Page: IN 28
Demon of Uninvited Visitors, Demon Servitor of Fate, Page: HH 41
Demon of Union Carbide, Balseraph Servitor of Fire, Page: IN 28
Angel of Unity, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: S01 25
Demon of Used Car Salesmen, Balseraph, Page: IPG 29
Demon of Vandalism, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Demon of Vehicular Homicide, Calabite, Page: IPG 41
Demon of Vows, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Seneschal of Washington Monument, Angel Servitor of Stone, Page: LT 33
Demon of Wife-Swapping, Demon Servitor of Lust, Page: S02 20
Demon of Wildfires, Lilim, Page: IPG 53
Seneschal of World Court, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: S01 48
Seneschal of Yuba Indian Site, Angel Servitor of Judgment, Page: LT 76
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Current as of: 10/12/00 4:26:28 PM
If you have updates or corrections to this data, please mail Steve Feldon.


